Finale: Super Shadow Vs Perfect Nazo???

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AN: Your guess is as good as mine

I was so overcome with the joy of seeing Omega still alive, that I did not notice the captain aim all of the weapons that he had available right at my head. He gave a chuckle as he pulled the trigger from inside his cockpit.

The small glass dome lifted and Omega leapt out, using his jets to steady him, he took a look around him. When he saw the barrage of steel headed my way, he lurched forwards to try and save me, nut in the process he was hit by a flock of missiles. He was tossed aside by the sheer force of the blows, he spun his head and looked at me "" and with that his eye lights flickered out.

I looked back at the captain and saw the various firearms that were headed my way, I let out a cry for Omega's sake, as soon as my cry subsided; there was a flash and everything began to move in slow motion. The sadness of Omega's death hit me again, I then thought about what had caused his demise and the sadness was replaced by anger. My body shook with aggression, my super emeralds appeared just above my head, except they weren't spinning, and a faint humming sound was coming from them as they turned black and flew back into me.

At first nothing happened, I was still in my hyper form, time seemed to have stopped and I felt very angry. But then time returned to normal and I was hit by many types of missile, as this happened I curled up into a ball, my body rapidly turning black as I was battered. I began laughing demonically as a gathering of dark energy began collecting around me; I hardly recognised my voice as it had become much deeper. I then stretched my body and a bright light exploded from my hands, I looked at them and smirked at I turned to face the captain.

What is going on now? Thought the captain as he watched me transform, he put his hand to his head and prepared to send out two massive energy swords from his inventory, he swung them around a few times in the air to try and warn me off. He shouted again


I glanced up at him, as if only noticing him for the first time; I gritted my teeth and showed them to him, and began laughing once more before without warning, dashing towards him with my fists clenched, still laughing.

The captain's visor began flashing with warning lights as he tried to stop my attack, I ripped straight through one of the energy swords, and kept going until all that separated our faces was a thin layer of glass. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a small laser beam cut through me and the captain, we both turned to get a better view of what it was.

The beam had come from where I had been standing a few moments ago, there was a flash as a load of light was sucked into one position, forming a body that looked like me. I suddenly realised that when I had turned black; I had lost control of myself and instead of controlling my form. It was controlling me.

The light kept gathering and the body kept growing, it wasn't long before I was sucked out of my body and into the new one, and the super emeralds followed me and activated the hyper form on my new body. It was then the soft voice spoke again.

"You were being consumed by the negative energy that the super emeralds naturally produce, so I had this body made for you. While you're dark form works out what has happened, go to Omega. You will know what to do."

My old body began to fall and loose its colour when suddenly it shuddered as the dark chaos energy possessed it. It began looking around to try and work out where I had disappeared to. It had hoped to feed off my anger and take control over my body, killing my soul along the way. But with the disappearance of my soul and the anger two fuel it, it had taken full control. It looked again at the captain and outstretched its palm.

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