Live and Learn

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AN: So I guess Tikal is in this as well?

I prepared to give him my answer, my whole body trembling with aggression; I glanced down at Omega again. He was floating just below us. His circuitry frazzled by the immense power from the leader of team alpha's ray gun, the power consisted from the other six super emeralds, he had offered me a choice; either give in my super emerald, or be blown to pieces by the other six. I turned over the options in my head once more. Should I give in? It would be a lot easier, but what would they do with me then? And if I gave in, Omega's death would have been for nothing. I looked up again and clenched my fists.

"GET LOST" I shouted. I followed this by ramming myself into the battle suit, sending him flying backwards, I aimed my arms at him and shouted "CHAOS LANCE", and once again the spear of energy left my hands and flew into the clunking menace. I paused, waiting to see if I had in fact hit my target. The next thing I knew was a bright multicolored beam missed me by a few inches; I reckoned that this was the laser the commander had been wielding earlier. Then I had a thought, he won't be able to see me due to the beam. I flew a long way under the commander and psyched myself up.

Omega's eye lights lit up as he came to. Most of his hardware had been fried by the hyper beam, so he knew he had to preserve this little bit of energy he had. He used his jets to steer himself behind an asteroid and fired again, as there was no friction to slow him down. He powered down and let that little bit of thrust carry him to his destination.

The commander glanced in front of his hyper laser, it had stopped, and he started looking around for me. As I was below him he thought I was halfway across the galaxy, and then I began to fly upwards with my clenched fists in front of me. But I was not aiming for the commander; I was planning to destroy the hyper beam and collect the super emeralds. But fate was not on my side, the commander happened to glance downwards and see me powering upwards towards him, he narrowly dodged my attack by bending his body in a twisted shape. As I passed, he aimed his hyper laser and fired.

As I flew upwards I cursed myself and began to turn when the beam hit me. I was rocketed into the air as the enormous force from the beam propelled me up, my super form suddenly deactivated and I was burned, frozen and introduced to the pain this beam induced. Using all of my strength I reached into my pocket and retrieved my super emerald.

A small clunk powered Omega up, he had hit the asteroid he was aiming for, he glanced around, using all of the energy he had at that point and saw me get blasted by the hyper beam, he returned to the task at hand, and using one of his arms, navigated around the small space rock until he reached my little spacecraft that I had constructed on the "Crucible", with great difficulty he navigated his way into the little craft and sat as the glass oval closed shut over him.

The commander let go of the trigger and the laser came to an abrupt end, he knew that he had hit me so he activated his vox-caster's telecommunications function, and called for all agacent members of team alpha to go and retrieve my super emerald, but when nothing answered he remembered that they all thought that he was dead. He could go now and prove them wrong. He turned to leave. When he realized that Omega was no longer around, the captain had wanted to reprogram Omega to follow his orders and not his own. He decided that he would have a quick scout around, and if he didn't find Omega, he would go. He was about to move when his sensors on his battle suit detected a small craft that was gaining power and was about to take off. He glanced around again, his weapon close at hand.

Omega began to upload himself into my craft in order to both get the full potential of the ship and also to preserve the little energy he still had in himself. As the final part of him was streamed to the craft, he set off in the direction of a small cargo fleet hoping that what he needed to find was in one of the ships.

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