Chapter 5: Dormmates

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Jane and Daria walked into their dorm. Their dorm had a gothic look on one side and a much more girly look on the other. The gothic side was black and purple and the other side was pink and white. The room smelled of makeup. Two girls were sitting at the white vanity. A albino gorgon and a vampire wearing a Lolita dress.

"Hi, you must be our new tombmates." The vampire greeted.

"Are you Elissabat and Viperine?" Asked Jane.

"You must be Jane and Daria." Viperine stated.

"What are your pronouns?" Elissabat asked.

"They⁄Them." Replied Jane.

"She⁄They." Answered Daria.

"I also use She⁄They and Viperine uses She⁄Snake." Added Elissabat.

"Elissabat, do you know how I can get bl00d without biting anyone?" Jane asked.

"I'll show you to the kitchen." Elissabat stated. *Elissabat grabs Jane's hand*

"Daria, do you want me to do your makeup too?" Viperine asked.

"No thanks, makeup hurts my face." Daria replied.

"Makeup hurts your face?" Questioned Viperine.

"My face feels funny when I wear makeup; I think sensory issues is the word." Daria answered.



"Are you Cleo and Ghoulia?" Inquired Quinn.

"Yes we are." Cleo answered.

"Auhhgh!" Tiffany exclaimed. (Translation: Great!)

"What are you doing?" Asked Quinn.

"Oh, nothing." Cleo replied.

"Playing Zombie Shake 2." Answered Ghoulia. *Ghoulia typed on her phone.*


"Is this room 666?" Sandi inquired.

"Yep!" Lorna replied.

"Step aside, I have to make my den." Sandi stated.

Sandi threw a bunch of pillows and blankets on the floor and started to arrange them in a circle.

"Can I help?" Asked Stacy.

"No Stacy, this is my den." Sandi answered.

Stacy turns away and sits on Lagoona's bed.

Lagoona blanket had feux fish scales on it. The scales made the blanket glimmer in the sunshine the irregular shaped window reflected. Stacy ran her hands back and forth on the blanket while thinking.

"Sigh, I wish Quinn was here." Stacy thought.

"Her strawberry blonde hair that glistens in the sunlight, it feels like sipping hot chocolate when I look into her beautiful brown eyes, the way her clothes look on her and her kind, outgoing personality...." Stacy continued.

Suddenly, a loud shout distracted Stacy from her thoughts.

"Camera!" Lorna exclaimed. *Lorna bolted out the room*


Headcannon for context: Lorna has a "Camera sense" (Like a Spidey Sense for cameras.)

(Lagoona will appear eventually, for now.... v-o-t-e p-l-e-a-s-e:)

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