Epilogue: Mummy Hearts Unwrapping

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TW: Mention of ch!ld marriage    Spoilers for Boo York, Boo York 

Cleo stepped out of the giant mirror.  She walked into a room with pink walls. Clothes were strung all across the floor. Then she saw, Quinn. 

"Quinn, do you know where your parents are?" Cleo asked.

Quinn looked around and locked eyes with Cleo.

"Cleo, what are you doing here?" Quinn questioned.

"I need ask them something." Cleo replied. 

"What?" Quinn inquired.

"Something personal..." Cleo trailed off.

"Ok, they're in the living room." Quinn answered.


In a hour, she had introduced herself to Helen and Jake. She was telling almost her entire life story to people she just met. Currently, she was telling them what happened in Boo York.

 "Then, my sister Nefera tried to marry me to Seth." Cleo tolled.

"Your sister did what?!" Helen exclaimed.

"She tried to marry me to a boy."

"Did your father do something about it?" Helen inquired.

"No, he didn't, It was his idea!" Cleo replied.

"My old man never cared about me and nether does yours!" Jake exclaimed.

"Not right now, Jake." Helen huffed.

"Cleo, If your father wasn't in a completely different dimension right now, I'd be writing a lawsuit about now." Helen stated.

"You can, its called plot convenience." Daria replied as she descended the stairs.

"Cleo, your welcome to stay here as long as you like." Helen offered.

"No, its fine; all I'm looking for is somewhere to stay during scarecation." Cleo declined.

"No, I insist." Helen insisted.

"*Gulp*, ok." Cleo replied.


Cleo: I'm staying at Quinn's house for the night:/

Ghoulia: Are you going to be ok without your night light.

Cleo: IDK, I hope:(


That night Cleo couldn't sleep; she was afraid she would see that night play back in her nightmares.

Eventually she succumbed to sleep.

"Ahhhhh!" Cleo screamed.

Cleo preceded to cry into her pillow.

PEACE OUT, Brooke Page:>

(If think this was a good ending, then vote. Thank you to @Sheilawisz for voting, I appreciate it:)

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