Chapter 7: Wizards With Waverly Wands

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AN: Venus uses Plant⁄Plantself 

 Daria and Spelldon were practicing broom flying on the Crack & Shield track. Spelldon had been Daria's trainer for a month at that point. That day, Spelldon's boofriend, Valentine, joined them.

"That's it Daria, you're getting it." Spelldon praised.

Daria was desperately holding on to the broom; her hands clamming up due to the pressure they were putting on them.

 "Daria, you don't have to hold on the broom so hard." Valentine suggested.

Daria let go of the broom. The broom swerved wildly and was quickly moving towards the Tree of Unlife.

"Watch out!" Spelldon and Valentine yelled.

Daria crashed into the Tree of Unlife. She fell to the ground hard. The crash had caused Venus to over water the tree.

"Oh my ghoul, are they ok?!" Venus asked. *Venus dropped plant's watering can*

"I don't think so." Spelldon replied.

Spelldon, Valentine and Venus took Daria to Nurse Creepwatcher.

"Here, ice." Nurse Creepwatcher barked.

"She's unconscious, how's ice gonna help?!" Spelldon inquired.

 "That and lots of rest." Creepwatcher ordered.

"Nurse Creepwatcher, are you aware of the environmental impact that ice pack has?" Venus inquired. 

"As long as students are throwing it in the right place, I don't care." Creepwatcher answered.

 "They aren't!" Venus snapped.

"Venus, me and Valentine are taking Daria back to their dorm, ok?" Spelldon asked.

Venus was too busy arguing with Nurse Creepwatcher to notice that Valentine and Spelldon were talking to plant.

 "Knock knock, is anybody here?" Valentine inquired.

 "Come on in, amigo." Jane invited.

Spelldon opened the door., Jane immediately sprang up from their desk when they saw Daria.

"What happened to her?!" Jane asked.

"They knocked into the Tree of Unlife while broom flying." Spelldon explained.

"Now she's unconscious, oh poor thing." Valentine added.

"Give them to me, please." Jane ordered.

Valentine and Spelldon passed Daria to Jane, Jane then picked up Daria.

30 seconds later, Jane had placed Daria on her bed.

"Daria, wake up." Jane pleaded.

No response.....

"Daria, please don't go; I don't wanna lose the only person who cared about me!"

Daria fluttered their eyes open.

"Gasp, Daria, I thought I lost you!" Jane sniffled. 

"Jane, where am I?" Asked Daria.

"In our dorm." Jane answered.

Daria opened her eyes more.

"Jane, what's wrong?" Daria inquired.

 "I thought I lost you." Jane admitted.

"Jane, I would never leave you ever." Daria reassured.

For a few seconds, there was a comfortable silence. Jane was the one to break the silence between them.

"Come on skookums, you need rest; off to bed. Jane ordered.

Jane knew Daria would never abandon them but a fairly large part of them thought Daria would abandon them like their parents did.


(Thanks 4 the support and I hope u enjoyed :) 

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