The First Massacre

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 Fries POV

I went to go check up on the LOL contestants, it was something we had to do, personally, I wished we had some sort of robot to do that, but they are all in the LOL. We switch up who does it every day but I'm a little annoyed since I was just about to harvest the growtatoes! I swear if I find out that Coiny or Gelatin ate them I'm going to-

Ruby POV

"FREESMARTERS! GATHER AT THE CLUBHOUSE FOR A MEETING!", Pencil, really?! Can't we just get 30 more minutes of sleep! I'm so tired from last night. 

"Alright, Pencil, what is it this time?" 

"DO NOT give me that attitude Ruby! We need to discuss what to do with Book and Ice Cube."

"What do you mean discuss? They are a part of this alliance too!"

"Well, about that, we don't really need them anymore! The shows been over for years!"

"But Book is still my friend! I can't just abandon them."

"Yeah!", Bubble chimed in defending me. (I'm not gonna spend time trying to do Bubble's accent.)

We were about to get into a heated argument with me and Bubble wanting to defend Book and Icy while Pencil and Match had wanted them out when we heard a loud noise, it sounds like Fries's voice...


Flower POV

Seriously Fries? Just because someone ate your growtatoes doesn't mean you have the right to call ALL of us. SOME OF US NEED SOME REST! 

Tennis Ball POV

"Let's go Golf Ball, could be important! Who knows? It might be my growtatoes!" I was really hoping it was, those things 

Golf Ball POV

There he goes again, talking about those stupid potatoes, he can't go one day without mentioning them!

"Can you put your ego away for more than a day? I'm only going because it might be something bad."

"Sorry Golf Ball, but you know, those potatoes could be very revolutionary! You can't blame me!", Tennis Ball looked at me with that stupid look trying to make interested. I kicked him in the leg to knock some sense into him.

"Ok, Ok, Ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop", Tennis Ball says that now, but I can guarantee that he'll be right back to tomorrow.

(Five Minutes Later)

"Ok Fries, why did you bring all of us here?"

"Ok, guys listen, there is something up ahead but heads up, it's really bad."

"I think I can take it!" Yellow Face said from a distance.

"Ok then, maybe Woody and Rocky shouldn't see this"

What I say next still scared me to this day, the LOL was broken into, and we saw EVERYONE in there, dead, lifeless. It was terrifying, Saw was snapped in half, Donut was torn limb from limb, Hell, DAVID AND DORA were both found there, just lying there, with their severed heads. Everything felt fuzzy as I heard screams of terror behind me, people crying, debating, and just straight up fainting. I instructed Tennis Ball to go and get some body bags.


Welp, that's it for part 1! This is going to be the pilot chapter, if people want to see more, then I'll make more!

Also sorry about the lazy title image, I can't draw :/

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