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Golf Ball POV

I revealed to Tennis Ball my work, a list of everyone outside of the LOL and the chances of them being the killer and why. I feel if I'm able to at least narrow it down to someone, then maybe I can solve this thing sooner. Guess I should tell him everyone's current status.


Being the Killer: Unlikely

Reason: Despite her and lollipop's little argument in BFDIA 1, Book would have no clear motive to kill, as a matter of fact, she is the most passive of Freesmart.


Being the Killer: Unlikely 

Reason: Despite him being a bit aggressive, he would never go near any sort of flame, and due to Firey Jr. being in there, he probably wouldn't dare to strike.


Being the Killer: Unlikely 

Reason: Bubble, like Book, is passive and is too fragile to stage an attack like this, even if she had her metal form several people within the LOL could have taken her out, including Firey Jr. 


Being the Killer: Unlikely 

Reason: Coiny had several good relationships with people in the LOL such as Blocky and Pen, meaning it isn't logical for him to do such a thing.


Being the Killer: Impossible

Reason: Trapped in a cage the entire time, and yes, I kept tabs on him.


Being the Killer: Most Likely 

Reason: Flower is one of the few contestants who has shown signs of extreme super strength, meaning she could have easily broken in and killed everyone in a fit of rage due to no one liking her, can't really blame anyone for hating her though.


Being the Killer: Possible

Reason: As the one who discovered the crime scene, it is only natural to put him as a suspect, however, Fries isn't that strong and someone like Dora could have easily fought back and kill him.

Golf Ball

Being the Killer: Impossible

Reason: Why would I ever do such a thing?


Being the Killer: Unlikely

Reason: He's childish, and loves to mess with people, but he doesn't kill.

Ice Cube

Being the Killer: Possible 

Reason: She would have a clear motive, people always have been killing her, even before BFDI started, but she doesn't have the physical strength to pull off something like this.


Being the Killer: Very Possible

Reason, she has a clear motive, and about half the people who chased her down were in the LOL at the time, along with her being missing for the past 3 years.


Being the Killer: Possible

Reason: She has stated before that several people made fun of her in the LOL due to her personality and behavior in BFDI.


Being the Killer: Possible

Reason: Several people according to Match, had said the word "Needy" meaning she could have had so much built-up rage that she attack everyone.


Being the Killer: Unlikely

Reason: He's very neutral towards everything and hardly ever has straight opinions favoring one side, so I don't see him taking it to the extreme.


Being the Killer: Unlikely

Reason: Her only possible reason would have been to get Match back, but all of us were present when Tennis Ball used the wall teleporter to get her out.


Being the Killer: Unlikely

Reason: Despite her mean demeanor in season 1, she has changed into a much kinder person, meaning she wouldn't plan an attack like this.


Being the Killer: Impossible

Reason: A, he's too precious, B, not a single molecule of barf was at the crime scene, and C, Rocky doesn't know what is happening half the time and is zoned out.


Being the Killer: Unlikely

Reason: Similar to Gelatin, she is very childish and can't pull of something like this. 


Being the Killer: Impossible

Reason: The guy can't figure what day of the week it is half the time, enough said.

Tennis Ball

Being the Killer: Impossible

Reason: He's a friend and a partner, he would never do it.


Being the Killer: Impossible

Reason: The guy is too weak to throw a ball more than 2 feet, and he is scared of the color gray, meaning if he did do it, he probably would have died in the process.

Yellow Face

Being the Killer: Possible

Reason: Yellow Face has the gadgets to pull of something like this, but nothing had ever been reported as even taken off its shelf in his warehouse, so he might have had something on him.

Evil Leafy

Being the Killer: Very Possible, all but confirmed

Reason: A being of pure evil.

Welp, that's everyone pretty much. Tennis Ball seemed surprised by all the information, after about 2 minutes of him just reading over everything, he finally spoke.

"So, you think it's Evil Leafy?"

"Yes, she is clearly the most dangerous and unstable person to ever live."

"Fair enough, but what if your wrong? What if we are just on a wild goose chase?"

"We might be, but for now, we have a lead."


I heard a male scream coming from outside, I looked nervously at Tennis Ball, I fear it happened again.


BAM! And we are back for Chapter 4! Stay tuned for the next one everyone!

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