Ashes and Embers

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Golf Ball POV

Me and TB quickly left the lab and saw several people walking over towards the Yoyle Needy, suddenly I realized who that scream belonged to, everyone was looking down at Firey, he broke both of his legs on the fall down and was lifeless. 

I can't believe I forgot to check on Firey! I guess I got so tied up with Tennis Ball, I forgot to check. I need to figure out what happened.

"Tennis Ball, come with me, everyone else, do me a favor and cover this up."

Me and TB quickly ran up the tower to where the cage that contained Firey once stood, it was torn into, seemingly as if someone tried to claw their way in. 

"This doesn't make sense! If something got its way into the cage, we would have heard another scream, before he fell!" I didn't understand.

Suddenly, Tennis Ball noticed something.

"Golf Ball! It's your camera!"

Looks like I won't be able to go over the footage...

Coiny POV


Firey too?! I thought this was behind us! It's been a week since the attack! We aren't safe, none of us are safe! At this rate, everyone I know will be brutally slaughtered! 

What if someone here did it? WHAT IF IT WAS LEAFY?!

She must still be angry about him forgetting her, and everyone else turning their backs towards her!

Golf Ball POV

Looks like someone finally covered up Firey's body, I borrowed Gelatin's freeze juice to preserve his body, that way, I can further inspect the body.

As me and TB brought the body into the lab, everyone else silently left and went back to their homes and clubs. Probably to get their minds off of Firey's death.

Bubble POV


Oh boy Pencil, this can't be good...

"What is it THIS time Pencil?" Flower seems really annoyed, don't blame her.

"You keep your petals shut! Me and Match have made a group decision, everyone in here besides me and Match, you must leave."

"I'm sorry, CAN YOU REPEAT THAT?!"

"Did it not get through your thick head the first time Bubble? YOU, OUT, NOW!"

"But I'm in the alliance!"

"Maybe, but your name isn't Match, so go!"

"You like, heard her Bubble, leave!" Why must Match be so rude!

"FINE! You know what?" Book was angry now.

"We can make our own club, without you 2 bozos! We'll even allow Flower since at least we have some decency for people considering the fact that SOMETHING IS TRYING TO KILL US!"

"I'd like to see you try Bookworm!" No way Match just said that.


Book tackled Match and got into an all-out brawl with here and even chipped her, she was furious! I never have seen Book get so riled up!

It ended with Flower pulling Book away and Pencil helping Match.


After that we all quickly left the clubhouse.

"Are you ok Book?" Ice Cube asked worryingly.

"I'm fine, let's go gals, we have a club to set up."

Fries POV

Woody has been in bed all day after what he saw, Me and Gelatin don't blame him. It was horrific, but at the very least we all trust each other so we aren't worried about getting attacked by one of us.

Me and Gelatin have been sitting around in the steakhouse silently trying to get Firey out of our minds when we heard 2 pairs of footsteps approaching which immediately got me and Gelatin worried.

Then, we heard some familiar voices.

"Gelatin? You in here? It's me, Nickel. Me and Bomby have been walking around the city and we saw your place, we were hoping maybe we can come in and maybe have something to eat?"

I looked at Gelatin as we said, "SuRe." That stupid dessert.

"Gelatin, are you nuts!? We can't trust them! These guys could kill us!"

"Fries, Nickle is a sarcastic coin with no arms and Bomby is someone who just likes bananas and hates fire, they're fine."

"You say no arms like that's a bad thing." Nickel apparently overheard us.

"Sorry about that, I'll let you guys in now"

I immediately ran back to the kitchen to get something to defend myself with but when I got back, I just say all 3 of them talking at a booth when Nickle noticed the butcher's knife in my hand, surprisingly though, he didn't seem to care.

"You going to make us something to eat or what?"

"Sorry, just got nervous."

"It's fine, anyways, that's how everyone left the W.O.A.H bunch clubhouse."

I eased up and sat down with them and we all started to talk for about 2 hours

Bomby apparently has this really weird secret that he won't say, he says it's "Too Horrific" but after what we all have been through, I don't think anything Bomby has to say with faze me.

After we all chatted Woody came up and the moment, he saw 2 people that weren't me or Gelatin, he got scarred and ran back to the kitchen, looks like we need to convince to Woody now that they aren't bad, I think.

"Hey Woody, you don't need to worry! Nickel and Bomby are nice, they don't want to hurt us! And if they did, we could fight them off! Don't worry, you'll be safe with us!"

He seemed to ease up too and eventually came out and sat with us, although, he was still very nervous talking to them, but it'll be fine. As long as we are all together, we will be fine.


R.I.P Firey. 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter! It's the longest one yet with many more on the way!

Stay tuned for Chapter 6!

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