Chapter 4

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The week leading up to Lillian's first day of school at Dalton Academy was supposed to be spent getting to know the area, meeting the teachers, as well as trying to meet some of her classmates. 

And well, she'd done none of that. 

Lillian had holed herself up in her new room, suffering under a cloud of anxiety that was constantly telling her something was wrong. She'd been nervous since Andy had left that first afternoon. 

And it really didn't make any sense. She had nothing to really be worried about- well, beside being a new student. That was never fun. Switching schools and being someone new in the crowd of friends and students who had known each other for years was never fun. 

Being a random kid coming from public school, getting dropped in a private school that was probably full of stereotypical rich, privileged assholes was also a cautious thought in the back of her mind. 

Lillian couldn't help but drown herself in 'what-if' scenarios. What if all the guys at this school were just as mean as the jocks at her old school? What if the girls are popular and mean? What if nothing changes? If she's still target number one, even in this new school?

Was she going to get her ass handed to her once more?

Lillian was seriously debating just dropping out of school? What did a diploma even mean? It was just a waste of a poor innocent tree. A piece of paper that was utterly useless. 

She could get a nice job at McDonalds, or Burger King- or hell, maybe even a grocery clerk or something. You don't need a graduation diploma for that, right?

But she couldn't do that. Uncle Tim would never allow that. He was hellbent that she finish high school. He'd lose his mind if Lil dropped out of school. 

With a heavy sigh, Lillian walked to the wardrobe, pulling the doors open and frowning at the neatly hung school uniform. It wasn't bad. It was actually pretty nice. 

It consisted of a white button-up dress shirt, a dark navy blue blazer jacket, navy skirt, knee-length white socks and a red and navy striped tie. The colours really matched up with the Dalton Academy logo she'd seen decorating the halls- as well as stitched into the breast pocket of the blazer. 

The uniform was matched with a pair of black flats for shoe-ware, the colour could almost be mistaken for a dark navy blue in the right lighting. It was decent uniform- Lil didn't really mind it all that much. Though she'd prefer to wear her own clothes. 

She pulled her hair into a tight bun, unsure what to do with it. The Dean hadn't said anything about any specific hairstyle. She probably could've left it down, if she wanted. 

When she was finally dressed, she took a second to stare at herself in the body-length mirror. She looked alright. The uniform fit perfectly, and the bold reds and navy's complimented her complexion. Her make-up was blended alright, hiding the still lingering bruises of her assault. 

They still hurt a bit, but they were on their way to healing at this point. More or less a pesky discoloration that was a bit tender on occasion. Nothing Lillian couldn't live with though. Though, it still did hurt to breath sometimes. It was getting better though. 

The limp was probably the worst of everything now. She should cover up the bruises, and her eye was no longer almost swollen shut. The cracked ribs were more of an internal thing, but the limp- that was pretty clear. 

She could still hide it a bit, but it was noticeable when you were looking for it. Hopefully no one would study her too hard though, right? She'd just another student. Nothing too exciting.

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