Chapter 6

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Lillian's P.O.V
~Next morning~
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Ugh what is that stupid noise?? Wait am I back in the hospital?! I quickly opened my eyes and saw my alarm clock going off. Groaning, I shut it off. Wait no no no no! It can't be! I threw my covers off and bolted to my calendar. There was multiple highlighted circles around today's date. That can't be right. I turned to my alarm clock, and it read 6:04am, my nightmare just got 10 times worse... The day I start school in an all boys school. I looked around the room, I saw my blazer hung on the computer chair. I went to my closet and pulled out one of the many white shirts. I grabbed one and laid it across my bed. Next I went to my dresser and pulled out underwear, a bra and my bland grey skirt. I frowned as I made my way to the bathroom, with all my clothes. I started a nice warm shower, to try and wash some of the nerves away. It kinda worked. I shut the water off, after I felt a little bit of stress float away from me. I dried myself in one of the towels at the school,  man these things are plushie. I love it already. I started getting dressed. I looked at my outfit in the mirror. It didn't look too bad, the skirt went just above my knees, and the blazer hugged my figure perfectly. I had no idea how to tie a tie, so that's what Google and YouTube are for. I tried my best and it kinda looked like a tie... A little bit I guess. I started on my hair. It's usually straight, so I dried it and brushed it. I ran my fingers though it giving it some volume as I was think of what shoes to wear. They didn't give me shoes, or any foot ware. I walked back out to my room, and glanced down the line at all my shoes. My eyes landed on a fancier pair of Converses. Eh why not. I pulled on some ankle socks, then the converses. I tied them each and stood up. I like how this uniform covers all of my bruises, scrapes and scars... Except a couple on my legs, and a few on my hands. I use some foundation, to cover the bruises on my face. And a lot of foundation to cover my kinda still black eye. My ankle still hurts so I have to limp alittle, but it's pretty much un-noticable. My nose looks a lot better, and it's hardly noticeable. I preped myself, pacing around my dorm. You can do this Lil. The boys here are friendly, I hope. Blaine is your friend...? Or he's pretending. Quit thinking negative Lil! I lined my hand on the knob and twisted and pulled. I came face to face with Blaine. "Hey." He smiled, he let his hand that he was gonna knock on the door with fall to his side. "Hi," I said as I let a breath out. "Ready for school?" Blaine asked, with a kind smile. "As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed. He glanced down at me, it looked like he was checking me out. "Um what are you doing?" I asked feeling uncomfortable. "Just checking you uniform, they are very strict about it here." His eyes traveled up my body and landed on my neck. "Could I help you with your tie?" He asked kindly. I nodded. He gently undid the knotted mess I created and tied it perfectly. "But, but how?" I asked amazed at what he had done in like 20 seconds. "I've had, lots of practice." He smiled. "Now shall we go?" He asked taking my hand. I like this guy, his touch feels so, comfortable, like he doesn't like me just because I'm a girl... He led me down the hallway, and to a class. "I have math Science first and you have Social Studies first. But after this we have the rest of the day together. I'll come find you, stay outside this door." Blaine pointed to the door beside him. "I'll show you the rest of the classes later. Now get in there, before your late." He smiled. I nodded and slowly entered the room. A male teacher looked up from the desk. "Well you must be the famous Lillian, the only girl to attend Dalton Academy for Boys." I nodded shyly. "I'm Mr. Barkson. Take a seat anywhere." I nodded and took one of the seats at the back. Moments later, the room flooded with teenaged boys. Every eye in the room was on me. I felt my cheeks burn the slight pink of embarrassment. "ATTENTION STUDENTS!" Mr.Barkson, said banging a ruler on his desk. He gained all the boys attention, and I sent him a a thank you smile. "Okay gentlemen, she is a girl. Not some kind of mutant. So please give her some space. All the boys glanced at me, then turned fully forwards. I felt the seat next to me become filled. I glanced up to see a guy, no duh. " Sup babe, I'm Ian, and it's your lucky day, cuz I think you cute." He smirked. I looked nervously around me. "Uh..." I started "Ian, get lost. She clearly isn't into you." Said a husky voice. I saw that guy from the music room standing there. He had now hand leaning on the table I was seated at, one of his legs was crossed over the other. He had his other hand in the pocket of his grey slacks, and a smirk was plastered on his face. "Common Seb she's totally into me." Ian complained. "Get. Lost. Now." The guy repeated. "Fine, have her all to yourself." Ian gritted his teeth and stomped over to a table with 2 other guys at it. "Thanks..." I said softly. As the guy took a seat where Ian was sitting. "No thank you needed, I know all the dicks around here, and they know I'm the biggest dick. So if anyone's bothering you, come to me. By the way, Smythe. Sebastian Smythe." He smiled, extending his hand. I shook his hand, "Lillian." I said. We stayed silent the rest of class, and I met Blaine in the hallway.

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