Chapter 7

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(Sorry for the change in writing style!)

Lillian's P.O.V

Throughout the day, every guy had their eyes on me, some were friendly eyes and others were lust filled. Blaine had been a perfect tour guide and he's the sweetest guy around. At lunch time he had introduced me properly to Nick and Jeff, this time it wasn't as awkward and scary. They all seem very nice... but boys aren't all that nice as time progresses, I know from past experience. 

"Lil?" I turned my gaze to Blaine, who playfully rolled his eyes and sighed, "you didn't hear a word I said did you?" he questioned. I felt my cheeks heat up and I shook my head slowly. Blaine laughed and continued talking. "I was asking if you wanted to accompany me to a coffee shop, I'm meeting some friends there, and I though since you're new you may want to come." He sent a cheerful smile in my direction.

"I guess... I don't really like coffee though..." He smiled, 

"Loads of alternative choices, hot chocolate, tea, or if your not feeling like a drink lots of delicious food items." Blaine explained. I do like hot chocolate. 

"I guess I'll come then, are we meeting boys from school?" I asked getting a little nervous, I've had my fill of stuck up boys today.

"Nope," he popped the 'p', "we're meeting some of my friends from a different school," 

"Oh," I smiled, "do we change out of our uniforms?" I questioned.

"We can, but people around there know the uniform, then they don't mistake you for someone else." Blaine smiled, linking his arm around and and leading me out of the many confusing turns in the hallway. It's gonna take months to get used to all these turns. Thank god I have Blaine with me... for now... Once outside the school we stated walking, Blaine explained some things along the way. Although he didn't say anything about who we were meeting. Before I knew it we were standing outside a small, well kept coffee shop. The sign about read 'The Lima Bean', clever name. We walked inside and Blaine ordered, I was too nervous to speak, so I got Blaine to order whatever he though I'd like. With his and my own drink, he also ordered two others. 

"Who exactly are we meeting?" I questioned, as Blaine ushered me to a table for four and we both took a seat on one side. Blaine placed the two other drinks in front of the two chairs. Blaine opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the bell that hung over the door. He looked over and quickly stood up, walking towards the male and the female that had just walked in. He kissed the boy on the cheek while hugging him and hugged the girl, before leading them back to the table. 

"And who is this?" The boy questioned, taking a seat across from Blaine. The girl took a seat across from me and smiled at me before taking a sip of her drink. 

"Damn, Blaine, how do you always get our drinks right?" The girl asked. 

  "And who is this?" The boy asked again after an eye roll. 

"This is my dear friend, Lillian. She just joined Dalton, and I've taken her under my wing." Blaine laughed, throwing his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him a little and shyly smiled at them.  "Lil, this is Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones." Blaine introduced us. They seem like nice people. 

"So, um, what school are you guys from?" I asked, playing with the whipped cream on top of my hot chocolate, which was the best I've had in ages. 

"We're from William McKinley high." Kurt answered. I nodded, my old school used to play football with them. They usually won, which resulted in angry beatings. 

"What school are you from?" As I was about to answer, the bell chimed interrupting. Usually it wouldn't faze me, but this time I could sense something. My eyes flashed to the not-so-friendly-face that had just walked in. My heart dropped. C-Carter he's here?! I quickly stood up, slightly bumping the table, making the drinks slosh over a little. My eyes darted around the room, looking for a quick way out. If he sees me I'm screwed! He'll kill me in front of these nice people! And if I live they'll all know!

"Lil? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Blaine's voice slightly soothed me, not enough in this case.

"I-I-I uh uh need to uh uh g-get some uh air!" I pushed through the tables, whatever Blaine was saying was flying straight over my head. My mind blurred and the one thing on it was escaping my worst nightmare. 

"Well, well, well if it isn't poor little Lillian," I heard and with that I bolted straight for the door. I ran down the street, I could feel Carter chasing me and Blaine and his friends not too far behind him. I had to loose them, all of them. I can't do this, it's just going to result in a panic attack. I was very close to collapsing, as I had been running for a minute and didn't take in any oxygen. But I pushed through, this is one of those life or death moments. I took a few turns, varying between lefts and rights. The voices were getting softer and softer, but I knew I couldn't stop running until everything was quiet. I had no idea where I was but, anywhere is better then in the same coffee shop as Carter. Once everything was quiet, I looked behind me, still running, and as I turned back, I ran into something. This caused me to fall flat on my butt. Great job Lillian.

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