The Beginning

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Athena's POV

          " Come here kids! Come and settle down in bed, as I tell you a story of a great man I once knew." The woman said, glancing at her husband and smiled. "Long ago, there was a great man. A King in fact, of a land called Ithaca. Soon to be a father of a son. His name was Odysses." Then she began to tell her story.

3rd Person POV

As I look down to see a baby being born, fit to be Ithaca's future king. True, as he was. As the boy was born I felt a pang through me that a war could undergo any moment now. I've had my suspicion for months, thinking it could possibly be the Cicones. The man glanced at his wife Penelope and had a guilty face. Odysseus had gotten a message from one of his soldiers that there was news on our enemy. The Cicones. He bent down to her whispering saying he would have to leave, and coincidentally his son had just been born." I'm sorry Pene, I have to go. They expect me to." Odysseus said, leaning his forehead against hers with a heavy breath. Penelope sobbing with her newborn child in her arms.

Penelope stood looking at her husband, him ready to set sail off to fight. Right as he was about to yell out to his crew to set the sail to go. She placed her child in her loyal omegas arms,Eurycleia. She ran down the hill as fast as a deer running past headlights to engulf Odysseus with a big hug and took his face in her hands for a passionate kiss. He moaned softly and broke them apart.

" I'll be back as soon as I can my love." He says. As he tells his crew to set sail. Penelope started sobbing as she watched him leave, hoping he'd live through this war. That'd hed come back. 

Next Parts will be out Soon!!

Posted 1/4/22

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