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The Swineherd

Odysseus's POV

I woke up to be somewhere I didn't know of. Or so I thought. Until Athena Showed up and told me I was home. Home. I smiled. My love, my sweet Penelope, I'm home.

I come up to one of my loyal peoples houses. The Swineherd. I also heard my father stayed here a while on my journeys from someone. All of a sudden, I'm trampled by dogs... lots of them.

" NO! Down!" A man said. " You had a close call there, stranger. You might have been mauled here at my very gate, and I'd have been to blame.. Come in, have something to eat, and tell me who you are." Of course he wouldn't know me. I'm disguised. Athena thought it would be a good idea in case the suitors would want to attack me the first time they see me to get the crown for sure.

In the morning I woke up to see a man at the door. Strikingly familiar.

Then I saw Athena appear out of the corner of my eye. And go outside saying to the boys I needed fresh air. " Odysseus it is time to show yourself to your son, so you can plan an attack on those suitors." She places her hand on my shoulder and I turn back to Odysseus, Longish Blonde hair and stoned muscles.

I walk back inside. Eumaus the Swinherd looked shocked so did Telemachus " S- sir, you've changed!! Your clothes, hair, skin- what god are you?" Telemachus yelped. I stepped forward to my son and enveloped him in a hug. " Im no god. I am Odysseus you father, home at last."

" You cant be! No mortal man can change himself from a decrepit beggar to–"

" That is the doing of Athena, who used her power to disguise me." Although I am no mortal now, I was captured by an Nymph the name of Calypso and she gave me immortality for her to pleasure me as she pleases.. Unfortunately for her I left while I could." I explained it to my son.

He looked at me with confusion. " F- father?!" He slumped into my chest and hugged me with the strength that he had. " My son...my son" I whispered into his neck. " Anyway, no questions now- lets go slay the vermin that infest my palace."

As I walked beside Eumaeus up to the palace. I see a dog lying on the ground. Flies and all kinds of bugs on him. He looked weak. " Why does this dog lie in the dung here? He looks like he might once have been a fine hound." He looked at me with wide eyes! " you don't remember Argo, Your dog?" I looked over at the pup. " Oh! No! Argo." I cried hurdling over to him and laying next to him hugging him by the face. The pup opened his eyes from resting to see his Master. He tried keeping his eyes open but failed. He tried the best he could to wag his tail to let him know he was waiting to leave to see his master again. He slowly closed his eyes once again...h- he stopped breathing. I cried once again. I never got to see him grow up at all....I then saw Athena petting him, saying she has to take him away.

Athena lifted his spirit up off the ground and into the mist. She looked back at someone from behind me and Eumaus and smiled. I looked where she was...my son? Why- wait for him and her are?... Nevermind that. Not priority.

Later on I found out that there would be an Archery contest for who will be king and marry off my Penelope.

Hours later

Odysseuss's POV

One of the leaders of the suitors didnt want me to shoot the arrow, already thinking I couldn't do it. " Whatever, go ahead, Eumaeus. Give him the damn bow" He rolled his eyes not trying to argue with Penelope. As Odysseus the beggar was preparing the bow, Eumasus told the nurse to get all the women out of the hall and to a safe place. " Lock all the women in their quarters now. Let no one out until said by me." I made my shot and... made it in the bull's eye!

" ha! Looks like I still got some strength in my bones! Hell, who am I kidding. I'm immortal!"

I then turned back to Odysseus. " Apollo guided my next shot!" I then hit their ring leader, suitors leader. " Stranger, how dare you! Are you made?"

" You curse! You thought you'd get away with your rapacious ways, consuming my goods, seducing my maids, and courting my wife! While I was away at Troy. You thought your king would never come back alive. Now black death will take you all." I yelled.

" Wait stranger, if you really are Odysseus.. We really have wronged you, you have killed our ring leader, he was the one who spurred all our actions." " Eurymachus, not even if each of you gave me his entire fortune would I keep my hand." I retorted. " Well then lads, we outnumber him a hundred to one. Lets charge and knock him– TICTHOOP.

CRASH. Eurymachus was shot and fell beneath the table behind him. Other men started charging at Odysseus. " Yaaaaaarr!" Swinging his sword. Telemachus threw a spear at the back of the man. " I'll get more from the store room." " quickly! I'll hold here as long as I can!"

" AHH" A man in the background yelled." down behind the tables Antinoos said to his men.

Soon after the remaining suitors got out of the hall and made a run for it. We needed to cleanse the hall before anything happened. The maids did the work. Disgusted but it had to be done. And somehow Penelope was sleeping through it all. Man she is something. She must have been given the gift to sleep.

Odysseus and Penelope

At last

" You know, you must be the hardest woman alive. Who would refuse to welcome their husband home after almost twenty years at sea?" Well nurse, bring up a bed for me since i can't sleep with my strange wife tonight" I turned around smirking. " Eurynome, do as he says; bring Odysseus's Bed out to the hall, and pile it deep with fleece and blankets."

" Wait. What!? Move my bed? Impossible for any but a skilled craftsman!" I yelled, angry that my wife would even think of such a thing. " It is you!" she ran up to me and engulfed me with kisses. " Odysseus Forgive me! You know the reason for my caution. The gods gave us so much pain– they kept us apart through the summer of our lives." But your secret proves it; you are home, and I am yours." She said the last part quietly putting our foreheads together. " We should head to sleep, rest will be sweet for us tonight." A smirk lays upon her lips as she asks. " now that you are home- in your mind, what trial still lies instore?"

" Very well, then. Ill tell that, and all the rest too, if the night holds out long enough. But in bed, my love, in bed." Smiling in her neck. She looked up to him and smiled. He grabbed her by her legs and threw her across his shoulders and carried her up the small sets of stairs to their room. Once inside he locked the door. KLACK! He carries her over to the bed. Penelope looks up at Odysseus for a moment before he comes on top of her and attacks her with more kisses. They stop for a moment with their breaths to catch. They looked at each other with love, sadness, passion, kindness, excitement. She closed her eyes bringing her arms down from his golden locks of hair. Sigh " I'm just glad you didn't marry off to any of those bastards." She cupped his cheeks then kissed him. " Of course, I'd never betray my vows until death do us part," she said reassuring him.

They cuddled all night... well maybe more. We'll never know...

Posted 1/23/22  10:40pm

That's the END!! Hope you liked my version of  ' Homers Epic Poem  The Odyssey '

This was a school assignment, to make plot twists to make it my own. Tell me in the comments your opinions. Anything bad ill take as a learning step. 

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