Lotus Eaters and Polyphemus

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Third Person POV

After Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, he sailed and landed near Ismarus, the city of the Cicones. They were enemies of the Torjans, therefore enemies of Odysseus. Odysseus and his crew raid the Cicones. Robbing and killing them, until their army kills 72 of Odysseus's Men and drives the rest of them back to sea. Held back by a storm for 2 days. Odysseus and his remaining men continued on his journey.

Odysseus's POV

I thought I had made it home safely, but I was wrong, the current had thought differently and had taken us elsewhere. Past Cytherea. For nine days we drifted on the untamed sea. Upon the tenth day we came upon land. The Lotus Eaters, who live upon that flower. We landed there for water, I had sent two men and a runner to learn what race of men that land sustained. They fell, and with the Lotus Eaters, who showed no harm to us. Only offering the sweet Lotus. As much as I was hungry, I knew better not to eat it. Not too long after they ate the fruit I told them we must get on our way. They didn't want to leave. It must be because of the fruit! I had to think quickly. All I think to do is push them all the way back to the ship. Good thing I didt eat that fruit!

3rd Person POV

As they sailed farther into the unknown seas, a fog descended. For the longest time they couldt see anything. Suddenly they came across a sandy beach, resting for the night peacefully. In the morning, they all woke up to see a small island with wild goats. Odysseus was never actually the smartest bean. Always wanting to explore new lands, to see what it may hold.. He took the chance and gathered four men to take with him. As the men approached they saw a big cave near the shore at the top of the mountain. Something in Odysseus thought maybe something could be in that cave. So he went back and gathered twelve of his best men. Went back to the shore and started the climb. As they reached the top, found the cave, deserted and immediately explored the place.

Odysseus's POV

We went inside the cave, to see it was divided into pens. Tons of lambs and kids, arrays of baskets for making cheeses. Suddenly I hear a sound. Loud thumping on the ground making it rumble. My crew looked up to see a big beast! Not just any beast. A Cyclops. When the beast was inside he took a huge rock laying on the side to block the entrance. Upon us still watching this inhuman creature, he eventually spotted us. " What? Strangers! Who might you all be! Adn what are you doing in my cave?!" the beast says. I hesitantly step forward to speak. " Sir- we are travelers afar who have found a shore. Yours. We beg for your hospitality. We are guests and are under the protection of Zeus." the beast starts laughing at me. What. What did I say? " Zeus? Ha! We Cyclopes don't fear the gods! Tell me what ship brought you here and where are you anchored?" I look back up at him. " Sir, our boat crashed upon a load of rocks on the way to shore." He seemed agitated. Shit! The cyclops goes to grab one of my men. And slams him against a rock. Blood splattering everywhere. He grabbed another one of my men and chewed his head off. He- he ate them?!

The next morning I woke up to two more of my men missing. Most likely, eaten....sigh. I looked around and tried to think of a way to get us outta here. Here's what I came up with:

There was a big piece of wood lying on the ground that could be sharpened down. Until then I would be hidden in the back of the cave, where it couldn't be seen.

I approached the beast and said, " Here, have some wine, monster. I brought it to you as a gift, though that means nothing to you." I'll wager its finer than anything you have here." He looks at me deadpanned and takes the bowl from my hands. Basically a cup to him, compared to his size from me. He finished gulping it down. " Give me more! And tell me your name." Odysseus thought for a second. " You asked for my name, and I shall give it. I am called Nohbody. Now, you said you had a gift for me?" I said with a bit of hope it would be letting us go free. " Your gift, Nohbody, is that I will eat you last! Ha ha ah... ha.." He fell asleep due to drinking too much wine.

Me and my men got ready to wield the wood that was sharpened. We picked it up from its hiding place, and we slowly brought it up to the cyclops. We backed up, then charged to his eye, with speed. Poking his one eye in his sleep. "Deeper!!" I yelled. "AHHH!" the cyclops yelped. " NOOO!" he yelled " I'll get you for what you've done!." The cyclops struggled to get up. As Polyphemus. The cyclops was yelling. It attracted all the other cyclopes. They came out of their hide to see what had caused all this commotion. " What's the matter, Phemus? Someone attacking you or stealing your sheep?" The two chuckled. " Come on! Nobody. Try to escape!" he said ignoring his brothers. " Ba-aaa! Ba-ha" sheep sounded. As the yelling continued Odysseus and his crew took refuge in the sheep. They clung onto the wool of their belly underneath. They would stay there till the beast let his sheep out for his daily routine.

When the cyclops let his sheep out he noticed by smell that a certain sheep was last out of the cave. He said " Old friend, why are you last of all? You always lead the way. Is it because you grieve for my eye? Oh if you had the gift of speech to me where Nobody was, I would smash his brains out!" Polyphemus raised his voice. Little did he know, Odyessus was right under that very same sheep he was talking to.

All the sheep eventually made it to their ship. The men swiftly got out from under the wool and herded the sheep onto their ship.

Polyphemus's POV

I stood upon the cliff and sensed a ship sailing out to sea. No! Nobody got away! I grab a boulder and throw it across the island to the sea where Nobody could potentially be. ' BLOOSH'

The ship slashed through the water and pushed them far back almost back to shore..

" Cyclops! If anyone asks who put your eye out, tell them it was Odysseus of Ithaca!" I heard Nobody yell. I was furious. " Oh, no, the old prophecy has come true! I was told Odyssues would rob me of my sight, but I always expected some giant of a man, not some punny trickster like you!"

" But I am Poseidon's son, and he will here my prayer; Poseidon, earth-shaker, god of the sable locks, if I am indeed our son, grant me revenge on Odysseus of Ithaca! Let him never reach his home, or if the other gods decree that he must, let him come late, after long suffering, with all of his comrades dead, and let him find trouble waiting for him at home!"

3rd Person POV

So he prayed, and the god heard him. Then he seized another boulder, even bigger than before, and hurled it after Odysseus's ship. But this time it landed behind the ship and the wave pushed the boat swiftly forward until we came to the little island where our comrades were waiting.

Posted 1/17/22

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