Aeolus and Circe

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Odysseus's POV

The next land we sighted on our journey was quite strange. A floating island. Never seen anything like it. It was surrounded with a wall of solid bronze. As we hail closer and walk the lands. We now know this tis Aeolia, the home of King Aeolus, whom the gods made lord of the winds. He had two perfect daughters and sons, which he had them married to each other. Weird? To make a perfect pure line of the family? I thought to myself. Once Aeolus was aware of our arrival. I made my title known. He welcomed me to their feast in the place of bronze. When it was over, before me and my crew departed, Aeolus granted us a glorious gift on our way. Aeolus captured the winds and bound them up in a great bag made from the hide of a full-grown ox, sealing the neck tight with wire. He left the west wind free to blow us straight on our course of home.

Athena's POV

I came to see what was happening down below with Odyessus and his crew. I see he was asleep yet his crew was all but sleeping. They were trying to open up the wind bag! No!!

The men kept trying and trying while arguing about whether to open it or not. Those who wanted to think the bag held gold inside. Though they knew their master would notice if any was " taken". They still wanted to at least look. They eventually opened the bag and large winds spewed into the sky. Making the seas rage. The boat is now tumbling through the water. Athena had to wake Odysseus up! So he can help his crew. "I have zero idea how he can sleep through this..."she facepalmed. She splashes water on him. Odysseus wakes up to the sudden awakening. Now seeing what was going on. " No! What have you done!" He yells. The winds were wiping around violently, a few men sent into the clouds not coming back. In his grief I thought that he was going to cast himself overboard and drown. "I should have explained better to them.." Odysseus whispered to himself. But his spirit held him, it made him cling to the rail and endure it all. The winds were so strong It sent back across the sea to Aeolia.

Odysseus's POV

I halted up the stairs to see Aeolus. " What, Odysseus back again?! How can this be? I sent you on your way with all you needed to reach your home!" he exclaimed. " Sir, my crew betrayed me. They opened the bag and released the winds. I beg you, great king, save me again– you have the power to do it easily." I pleaded. " Pitiful man! The gods must truly despise you, and I will not go against their will! Leave this hall and never return." Aeolus said to us angrily.


We sailed off for six days. On the seventh we came across a shore of tall cliffs encircling a fine, calm natural harbor. My instincts kick in and I go in to see the land. As we are coming up we hear a horrifying sound! " eArhHhhhhgghh!!" and swords clattering. I look up to see weird looking creatures with goat horns on top of their head. Next to them, they were holding big boulders.. They started throwing them off the edge, hitting my ships with my remaining men. By the time we got past. Only my ship was left, spearing my helpless men. The rest were drowned by the Laestrygonians.


Athena's POV

They sailed on, mourning their comrades, and they came to another island, where the men moored the ship and took on water. They were afraid to explore this new island. With their newfound experience with the Cyclops and the Gonians, they didn't know what to expect. However they were low on supplies and food. So Odysseus strapped his sword. Took hold of his bronze spear, and ignoring his crew's protests, he set off to find some game. He looked around all over searching the horizon. Down the water stream. There he saw a deer.

Odysseus's POV

" Friends look! Let's put away our hunger." Odysseus yells and pulls the now caught deer behind him. When I told the men that the island looked inhabited, they groaned, but quickly divided them into two bands, one led by myself, the other by my captain, Eurylochus. We cast lots from a Helmet. My captain's lot came first. So he set off to see who could live here on thus island.

Eurylochus POV

At the center of the island. We found a great house, with a garden prowled by wild animals who acted as meek pets. As we approached the house, We hear an angelic voice. I and my men zipped our heads to that alluring voice. Drawn to her song, my men went to the door and hailed her, and she came out at once to greet them– the bewitching queen Circe. Only Eurylochus held back. No matter how hard it was, sensing a trap. Circe invited them all in for " Hospitality". Circe mixed the men's bowls with food and added her own magic drug inside.

I watched from the window. One by one, my men turned to pigs! Circe standing there smirking at her new found pets. She herded them out of the dinning hall and into the great hall of her throne.

Odysseus's POV

Eurylochus came rushing back without my men. I was pissed. He came down the hill screaming about.. Pigs? Witch– magic..? He raved about what he had seen. The story was pretty hard to believe. Though the rest of the crew wanted to be put to sea and escape, I made up my mind, I want to see what happened to my comrades and save them if I can!

I was walking around and stumbled upon a man picking fruit from a berry bush. " Well, well Great Odysseus. Looking for trouble again?" The man said grinning at me. " Let me give you some friendly advice, then. " This island belongs to Circe, a powerful immortal. She has enslaved your men by magic. If you would seek her out, then take this herb with you" he explains and holds out a plant. " Chew it up and swallow it, and it will protect you from her spells." When her magic fails, she will try to seduce you. Threaten her with your sword– make her swear never to harm you, and to release your men. Then you can lie safely in her bed and enjoy the magical delights of the island for as long as you please." he finished off with a wink.

Then Hermes, the messenger God disappeared out of sight.

When I found the house and introduced myself to the witch. I did as he told me to. Just as hermes had said, she tried to seduce me, but I made her swear by all the gods not tp har, me, and to release my men. I brought up the others who waited at the hsip, and we all bathed, given royal clothes, and fed the best food the island could offer. So we stayed, savoring all these pleasures, while elsewhere the seasons turned and a full year passed. Sleeping in a bed with a powerful god like her was perfect. Her curved edges were just like my sweet penelope. Penelope he thought. My sweet wife. Loving wife. Oh how I wish I could see her and my son again. Odysseus gently pushed Circe's delicate unclothed body out from under him off the bed. She looked at him shocked.

" What is it my dear Odyessus?" Circe asked him. " Circe, I must not stay here any longer. Radiant goddess, give us provisions for the journey, and tell me how to set my course." He pleaded as she grabbed a brush from the counter and sat back down in front of Odyseus on the bed to brush her hair. Smiling. " I will not hold you back. But if you wish to reach your home safely, you must have advice from the great seer Tiresias." she said calmly with a hand on his shoulder.

Circe stayed to her word and gave us directions to where the seer was living. Or not so much living... 

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