Explaination (Pylons And Sites)

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Pylons, or for the human public called "Climate Stabilizers" is a Towering structure roughly the same height of the Eiffel Tower, which is 300 meters. It's sole purpose is to Stabilize the climate on the continent it was build on. But, unbeknownst to the humans, it's true purpose is to release Latex globs and spray out transfur action gas which contains the PathOwOgen-001 which will span to the whole continent it was build on. The Pylons also built near one of the LTI Intiative labs, which maintains the Pylons and conducting research on Latex Beasts deep underground. There are 7 Pylons builded in 7 Continents, these Are:

Pylon 1 (P1)
Located in North America
Houses a Lab which research Latex Based Weaponry

Pylon 2 (P2)
Located in Greenland
Houses a lab which conducts Experiments on Ice and Arctic Latex Beasts

Pylon 3 (P3)
Located in South America
Houses a Lab in which is based near an Airstrip and an abandoned Airport which manufacturers Canisters that contains Living Latex and Large Turbine Planes that carries the Large Canisters contain Living Latex that will drop on cities when Furmageddon happens.

Pylon 4 (P4)
Located in Africa
Houses a Lab which experiments on transfur Gas to supply the other Pylons and Gas based Weapons

Pylon 5 (P5)
Located in Europe
Supplies the Pylon Labs with Human Test Subjects.

Pylon 6 (P6)
Located in East Europe and Asia
Specializes in Research and Development

Pylon 7 (P7)
Located in Australia.
Contains the most "Harmful" Latex Beasts which is the Red/Extremely Harmful for Humans Class Latex Beasts

All of these Pylon's Labs worked together to achieve their goal for Furmageddon. All always recruiting more furries to their cause and even helping the Furry Revolt during Furmageddon.

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