But I Thought She Loved Me

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Pearl sat on the couch in the living room. Her legs were crossed and her arms were placed on her lap. She was doing what she always did: wait for Rose to come home.

Rose always insisted on Pearl not going along with her when exploring and meeting humans.

Pearl tried not to think too much about it, because, when she did, she only thought about the worse. Was there something wrong with Pearl? Did she do something that made humans afraid of her? Were humans even afraid of Pearl? If they were, it was understandable why Rose wouldn't want her to come along.

Pearl sighed, putting a hand to her forehead. She was always left alone. Ruby and Sapphire had each other, they were always together. Pearl wished Rose was like that with her. They used to be in a sense but now Rose is always going off by herself.

Pearl had Amethyst, but they could never really talk. The conversation would always become awkward and Amethyst would sometimes argue with Pearl to get on her nerves. Pearl didn't bother talking to Amethyst most of the time. So... she was always alone.

Pearl jumped hearing the door creak open. "I'm home~" Pearl smiled, she stood up straight and walked over to Rose. "Hello Rose." Rose smiled "Ah, hello Pearl." She put a hand Pearl's shoulder. Pearl shivered from just the touch of her.

"Would you like to tell me how your day went?" Pearl began to boil water. Rose clasped her hand together excitedly. She was like a child when talking about her day. This was a trait that Pearl just loved about her. She would go on and on about sights she saw and living organisms. Pearl just thought she was so... Passionate about everything on Earth.

"You know that human? Greg?" Pearl's heart stopped for a moment. Lately, Rose had been coming home talking about this human. The way she talked about him... Pearl didn't like it one bit. She always had good things to say about him.. And for the most part Pearl thought this human was trying to have Rose fall in love with him.

But Pearl knew Rose wouldn't, after all Rose loved Pearl. That is what Pearl thought. "He gave me flowers today with a card attached to it." Pearl frowned facing a different direction from Rose. "Flowers and a card..." Pearl was familiar with human customs. "Then what happened?" Rose just smiled for a moment.

"He asked me to go on a 'date' with him, so I did. It was so fun. I laughed all day with him." Pearl brought Rose her tea. Pearl had her own cup as well, Rose loved it when Pearl would drink tea with her even though she was disgusted with consuming anything. Pearl began to traced the rim of her mug.

"Pearl? Is there something wrong?" Pearl pulled her hand back looking Rose directly in the eyes. "I-" Pearl hesitated. "You're quite fond of this one, aren't you?" Rose looked at Pearl confused. "Why, yes. Why do you ask?"

Pearl squeezed her hands tight. "I was just-" Pearl stopped. "Do you think you love this human back?" Rose took a sip of her tea. She gently put her mug down. "Yes."

It was just a simple word, yet it made Pearl want to break down. Had Pearl been mislead about the situation.

This situation that has been going on for millennium.

"Romantically?" Pearl asked, she wanted Rose to say no. "Hm..." Rose put a hand to her cheek. "Yes." Pearl grabbed her mug and dumped her tea into the sink.

"Pearl..?" Rose put a hand on Pearl's arm. Pearl moved Rose's arm. "I-I need to go out for a bit. I just haven't been feeling myself. It's nothing you need to worry about of course." Pearl walked passed Rose and out the door.

Pearl ran and she kept running. She stopped until she reached the ocean. Her knees buckled and she fell into the wet sand. The ocean waves washed over her hands. Tears began to fall from her.

What was she thinking? How could she spend most of her life thinking Rose loved her? She told Pearl everything, she told her how she felt, her secrets, and she asked Pearl to go to Earth with her personally.

Everything Pearl did was for her.

Pearl almost began to feel like she did everything for nothing. She knew going to Earth would mean every Homeworld gem would be against her. She knew being in the war would cost her her life, but she went anyways.

For Rose.

Pearl squeezed the sand under her hands. She felt ruined. Maybe if she was a human, Rose would love her the way she loved this human.

Pearl just sat in the wet sand, she put her hand under her nose. The tears wouldn't stop, so she just continued to cry for the rest of the night.

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