A Small Dance

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After the talk with Rose, Pearl still felt a little uneasy... Heck, she felt terrible. The gem was never good with emotions and because of this she tended to put her problems to the side, or actually, just run away from them all together. Pearl walked out of her room and took glances around. None of the other gems had appeared. She decided to take it upon herself to clean around the house, twirling her whole body around, she picked up the mugs Rose and her left that night.

The ballerina picked up the tea bags that were left on the counter, she smoothly tossed them into the trash from afar. Dancing her way over to the towel she picked up and cleaned the spot where the tea bags had left a mess. Pearl loved dancing and whenever she got the chance she would dance her heart out. The gem was graceful, her body movements were smooth, she was a steady rock. Pearl finshed her dance with a jump and a twirl, she stayed in her pose for a moment staring into nothing.

"Very nice Pearl!" The ballerina jumped in surprised, Rose Quartz was clapping; she had such a beautiful smile on her face. "I just love it when you dance!" The comment brought ethusiasm to her. Pearl could feel the heat going to her face, nervously, she bowed. "Thank you, Rose."

Rose grabbed Pearl's hands. The two gems stared at each other. Rose giggled twirling Pearl around. "Dance with me!" The taller gem took the lead naturally. "R-Rose! We will fuse if we continue!" Rose chuckled but she didn't respond to Pearl. They just kept dancing, it was a beautiful dance. A dance the ballerina had not done in a long time.

Their gems glowed and Rose just smiled.

'Why is Rose doing this to me?'

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