How Disappointing

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One does not fuse unless emergencies, the gems usually never just fused at any time. Pearl had stayed thinking about Rose's and her fusion with her, it left a weird feeling that the gem did not like. She just couldn't help to think why Rose was doing what she was doing. Rose seemed more... Touchy... than usually. It's not that Pearl wasn't fond of it, no, no, she loved it. It's just that the ballerina thought it was unusual, they hadn't been this way in a long time and it was happening again now, out of the blue. Didn't Rose love that human? Pearl stopped in place, she had been walking in the same place for hours. She needed air, a breather.

Her door began to glow as she walked towards it, the door opened quickly and she continued to walk. Not greeting any of the gems that were outside. She wondered for a moment if the other gems felt as if she was being distant, she felt like she hadn't talked to Amethyst, Sapphire, and Ruby for ages. All that the gem was focused on right now was Rose. Pearl decided to wonder into the town for once, she had done it a few times before, but she never really paid attention to the scenery. The ballerina never really had an appetite for scenery, but she thought today would be a good day to get her mind off things.

Pearl wanted to see what exactly fascinated Rose about humans. Even though she heard her talk and talk about them, she wanted to try and experience some of it herself. She walked along the boardwalk, the closest place from the temple was a building that had a sign that read 'Fish Stew Pizza'. "Fish Stew Pizza?" Pearl didn't know exactly what pizza was but she assumed it was some sort of food humans enjoyed. There was a quite a few people dining in there and people walking out with boxes. Pearl wanted to explore this place herself but right when she opened the door she could feel a warm saucy mess on her. "Agh" She gasped.

A human stood in front of her, he stood worriedly with his hands on his head. The human began rub napkins on her outfit. The man soon noticed that he was only making it worse. "Oh man, I'm really sorry." Pearl didn't say anything, she just stared angrily at the human. He was the same height as her, his hair was long and flowy, it was such a dark brown. His sleeves looked as if he ripped them off himself. "How can I make it up to you?" By looking at his face, you could tell that he was intimidated by Pearl. "I don't think you can..." Pearl's face was with utter disgust.

"Oh come o-" he stopped in the middle of the sentence. "You have a gem!" He pointed to Pearl's forehead. "Like Rose." The ballerina jumped back, how did this human know about Rose? "Uh yes... Who are you exactly...?" She clasped her hands together trying to sound polite. "I'm Greg... But they call me." He posed dramatically. "Mr. Universe!" Pearl had backed away from him even more, not only was this the human that Rose had feelings for he was a creep too.

"You're that human." She was cringing and Greg's smile began to fade. "Huh? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Pearl?" A hand was on her shoulder, she jumped back and Rose towered over her. "Rose...?" Rose looked over Pearl's shoulder. "Greg?" Greg waved nervously. There was an awkward silence between all of them. Pearl felt like she was frozen in place, terrible thoughts began to run though her head. What if Rose thought she was looking for this human on purpose? What if she thought Pearl was trying to hurt him? "What are you two doing here?"

"Well you see... Greg here somehow managed to get..." She pointed to the pizza that was on the floor "that on me. I was just going out on a walk."

"It was an accident! I swear! I didn't see you!"

"Well you should definitely watch where you are going next time!"

A giant smile formed on the tall woman's face. She started to giggle, Greg and Pearl just glanced at each other awkwardly. "You two are so silly." Greg put his hands on his hips and smiled widely. "Why don't we just have dinner all together, I'll buy."

He turned to Pearl "It's the least I could do."

"I don't exactly eat." Rose put her hand on both of their backs. "But wouldn't it be nice for all of us to sit together. Just to get you two to know each other better."

Pearl faced palmed, she was not excited for this

(Before I had headcannoned that Ruby and Sapphire decided to stay fused after Steven was born, so if you are confused about Ruby and Sapphire being separated. Also I don't even know what I am writing anymore but it is what it is. xD)

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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