Chapter 8

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"Sensitive heart, you're doomed from the start. Meant to play the penitent part. Inquisitive mind, you're destined to find, tempted fate and knowledge divine."


The first bout of histrionics had passed, and Louis found himself sitting atop his roof, watching Harry's shoulders rise and fall with every heavy breath. His back was to Louis, several feet away from him, his limbs tucked tightly into himself as his tumult of emotions began to settle. The night sky blanketed them from above, which was the only clue that Louis had towards the hour. It felt like time had stretched on an on after Harry had arrived, every minute that Louis couldn't bring Harry any sense of peace feeling like a painful eon. His cheeks were practically raw where Louis had been pointlessly rubbing tears away before he'd formulated the desperate idea of bringing Harry up to the roof. If there was one thing he'd learned so far, it was that Harry loved himself a good roof.

The fresh air had an immediate effect on him, slowing his breathing and allowing him to sit and collect himself. He'd pulled away from Louis' touch at this point, which Louis had been disappointed by, but he continued to watch Harry's cooldown from several feet away. All the while, his words kept swilling through his thoughts.

I'm gay.

It was both so shocking and yet so obvious. This news was like some key, some final piece to the riddle that was Harry Styles, that ultimately explained everything that just hadn't made sense. But it wasn't the revelation itself that was sending Louis into a mental tailspin, it was the raw, undiluted pain that had shook through those two words; a biting anguish that was so contrary to everything Harry was.

I'm gay.

Louis was interrupted from his reflections as Harry looked back at him, a touch of broken innocence on his tear-stained face. He looked at Louis expectantly, not sure of what to say.

"Alright there, love?" Louis asked warmly, leaning forward. Harry swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry." He said thickly.

"Harry, if you say 'sorry' one more time, I will have to respectfully smack you across the face." Louis said matter-of-factly.

"I lied to you." He explained.

"Sometimes it's necessary to lie. It doesn't make you a bad person." Louis assured him. "I was in the closet for years , Hazza." Harry gave him a watery smile and a nod before shuffling back and taking his usual spot on Louis' side. He snuggled into Louis' shoulder, while Louis immediately reciprocated the contact by hooking his arm around Harry's shoulders and angling his elbow up so he could run his fingers through his curly locks. Harry made a low hum at the feeling and closed his eyes. Louis' fingers slowed as his thoughts turned a corner. "Harry?"


"What's your astrological sign?"

"Erm – Aquarius." Harry answered, confusion clear in his voice.

"Huh. Is that significant to you?"

"Not really."

"Mm. Okay, interesting. You have a sister, right?"


"What's her name again?"


" Gemma ." Louis repeated, feeling the syllables out with his mouth. "Pretty name."

"Why?" Harry finally asked, looking up to Louis.

"I just get the feeling that you're not really allowed to talk about yourself to anyone." Louis said. Harry's weight became heavier on Louis' side and his eyes snapped back down. He shook his head slowly.

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