Trouble In Paradise

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I wake up with my head resting on Chandler's chest. He's breathing lightly. He looks adorable. I kiss Chandler's face. At first he's surprised, but then he sees me and smiles. I smile back and we kiss some more.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoes through the hallway. I look at Chandler nervously.

Chandler whispers to me, "Get under the bed!"

I get under the bed in half a second. Chandler's dad bursts through the door.

"Chandler, the house is a mess."

"I'm sorry dad. It was just such a crazy night..."

Chandler's dad speaks again interrupting Chandler.

"I don't care how crazy the night was. We let you have the parties because you show responsibility. If you can't show that, than we might just have to stop these parties."

"I'm so sorry dad. I promise it won't happen again!"

He looks down for a moment in thought and then back up at Chandler.

"I know it was a mistake. Just please don't let it happen again son. If it does, we really will have to stop these parties."

"I promise I won't!"

Chandler's dad then gets very serious.

"Get dressed. Me and your mom need to talk to you about one thing we saw online."


Chandler's dad leaves the room so I resurface myself. Chandler is frozen in what appears to be fear. I would be too if I were him. I look at him and feel awful. I know this is all my fault.

"Chandler... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you."

He looks at me confused.

"Sorry for what?"

"It's my fault all this is happening. You almost had all future parties banned. Now your parent know you're bisexual."

He looks at me smiling which confuses me. I stop talking out of confusion.

"Are you kidding me? I've never felt more free."


"Hell yea really! I'm not trapped in Hana's grasp anymore, my nude photos are gone, I just had the best party ever last night, I have a great boyfriend, and now I get to be completely open about my sexuality. This is great!"

I look at him smiling and we kiss for a long time. He then speaks to me teasing me.

"I gotta get changed. No peeking."

I tease him back.

"No promises."

Chandler gets undressed. Before he puts his clothes on, I feel him get really close to me.

He then whispers in my ear, "I'm completely naked right next to you and you can't see."

He kisses my cheek and then finishes getting changed. He looks at me smiling and gets up to leave. We share a kiss and I wish him luck as he walks out the door. I can't help but to look at his ass as he leaves.

Not more than two minutes later do I hear the sound of someone walking down the hallway. I lie on Chandler's bed looking hot. My legs are open slightly to make me look more inviting. I find it surprising that Chandler is already done talking to his parents but I'm excited to see him.

The door creeks as someone opens it. My smile doesn't last long. It fades as Jay walks through the door.

"Well hello you cute piece of ass. You ready to finish what we started last night?"

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