The Aftermath

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I wake up, my face wet with tears. I am looking to the right facing a window with light streaming through in beautiful bright rays. It looks beautiful outside. It does nothing to help my mood. I imagine Jay now. What is he doing now? Where is he? Is he looking for me? What will he do to me when he finds me? All these questions Sprint through my head like marathon runners.

I hear a sound from my left. I look over expecting to see Chandler. It's his mom. She looks over to me clearly concerned for my well being. I sit up and she gives me a hug. It's unexpected but I hug her back. I hold her tightly. I welcome the warmness. I've never had anyone I barely know treat with me so much care. She whispers in my ear and leaves before letting me respond.

"It will be alright. If you ever need to talk about anything I would be more than happy to. I already talked it over with Chandler's dad and we are happy to let you stay here as long as you need. We can talk more later discussing rules and you and Chandler's relationship at dinner. Talk to me if you need anything."

With that she is gone. I sit there for a moment in shock. Then I smile slightly. It is nice to have someone I can talk to besides Chandler. I barely know Chandler's parents and I love them already.

I see my phone lying on the drawer next to me. I hear a buzz. The desk vibrates lightly. I dare not look at the phone. I'm deathly afraid to see how many messages I got. I reach over to pick up my phone when I am cut short. Chandler opens the door and stands there a moment looking at me.



He walks over and hugs me tightly. He kisses me on the cheek four times and then hugs me again tighter. I can feel him crying on my shoulder. I'm crying too. He sits on my bed and doesn't let go. I kiss him on the cheek after ten minutes and we stop hugging. He speaks first.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there! What did that monster do to you?"

"I don't want to spare you the details. It will just upset you."

"I don't care. Tell me. Please."

I then go into detail to describe the events of last night. He looks at me horrified.

"I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner. I feel horrible..."

"Hey! Don't feel bad! You saved me. You did what you could."

"But it wasn't enough!"

"But it was!"

There is a pause where neither of us speak for a moment. I then speak again looking at my phone.

"I haven't checked my phone yet. I don't want to."

"So don't. Just leave it there."

"I need to check it eventually."

"You don't need to right now."

I look at him smiling. I kiss him for a slight moment and then back off. He smiles back at me and stands up. He puts his hand out and helps me up to my feet. I realize I have no clothes to change into. I also don't have a toothbrush, a phone charger, or any money. I have nothing but my phone and the clothes I'm wearing right now. Chandler must have noticed my worried look.

"Don't worry. We can get everything you need later today. My dad said he would be happy to take us to Target. I also have an extra phone charger you can have."

"Thank you... but I can't do that. I have no money."

"My dad is providing the money."

"Thanks but I don't want to borrow any money I can't pay back."

"He said you can keep it. He said it's a gift. He wants to talk to you later. He wouldn't tell me about what though."

I look at Chandler smiling. We kiss longer. We then continue the rest of our day. We first take a walk around his neighborhood. We hold hands as we walk. After walking around the neighborhood once, we head back to his house. His dad is at work. His mom drives us. We decide to head to the store now. We get there and we get fifteen outfits for me. I originally only pick out two but then Chandler's mom feels it was necessary to get me more. I try to say no but she insists. We spend a good two hours at the store. Afterward, Chandler's mom takes us grocery shopping. When we got back it is time for dinner. Both Chandler and I help her with dinner. We make Lasagna. We all sit down and waited for Chandler's dad to come home. He walks in smiling. That's when dinner starts.

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