Part Five.

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Zel had run in several times to try to see if Meliodas was okay as he'd attempt to rub the blond's back and give little pats. He'd also ask occasionally if Mel was sick and the man would nodd when possible since the actual explanation was one he wanted to avoid.

Everything was swimming around him in a blurr; and that was only when his eyes were actually open. Through every round of torture he experienced, his mind would flash images of his past through his head; but only when his eyes closed to vomit. As soon as they'd fly open from shock or an attempt to get a better grasp on reality the images would stop, but in turn he'd have to watch every bit of what was in his stomach get dunked into the toilet, which wasn't a pleasant sight.

After who knows how long of this horrible pattern repeating, he began dry heaving with absolutely nothing else to empty left in his system. Although, there was a nice interruption in the form of Zel coming in with a cup of water.

"Daddy get sick too a lot. I bwing him wa'er."

Taking the cup, he smiled gratefully to the kid before shooing him out so he didn't see the cycle repeat itself.

I have the damn solution in my bag ten feet from me! Why don't I just take one? My tolerance is lowered so one would do the trick. Then I'd have one for later too!

No. I have to look after Zel, I'd be risking his safety and my freedom if I made that mistake.

Who cares about the kid?! You're just wasting money on him! Why not turn him over to the police!

No! He'll get put in the system!

So? He won't be your problem anymore.

But he could get put in a bad house and end up just as messed up and selfish as me, and that's not who the kid is now. I don't want to cause that.

Oh and you think his homelife now is so great? You've heard how he's talked about his dad. You just don't want to believe it because your first homelife was so great! You blame alllll the world's problems on that system. They might actually be able to give him what you can't.

What can't I give him?

A home.

The thought stung a lot more than Meliodas expected it to. It was true, he was literally dry heaving over the toilet from withdrawals as Zel worried about him. A THREE YEAR OLD boy worried about a twenty year old man's health because he numbed himself off of drugs. In fact, he was planning on using the boy to get his next hit. That was what this truly came down to. Sure maybe the boy had grown on him, but he was using him to get his next hit. The cops wouldn't give him any money for turning in the boy, potential parents would.

That was what his selfish, dependent, nature came down to. He wasn't truly worried about if Zel was put in a bad home or not. There were plenty of people who got into great homes and unlike himself, Zel had a wonderful, sweet, outgoing personality. That combined with the fact that he was so young, made it likely he would get picked early on with a good family.

No that wasn't what he was worried about... he was just wanting his next high. He was dependent on them, he needed them, he... was an addict, for them. He was an addict. Just like the man and his friends that would drug him, tie him to the bed, and ra-

"Mew? You didn dwink wa'er. You need wa'er"

"ZEL I-"

He caught himself and his tone softened as the boy flinched at his words."

"I.... need to be alone right now. Got it?"

Meliodas's voice was as shaky as his body while adrenaline pumped itself through his veins, he couldn't even get himself to speak evenly.

He had hoped the boy would do as he said or get sad and run out of the room since he was so sensitive. However instead the boy plopped down next to him on the tile floor and gently leaned over and hugged him.

"Wen mommy gets sad fwom daddy huwting hew, I gif mommy big hugs. You need hugs too. Sowwy I made Mel angwy."

He didn't know why. Maybe it was the pain from the withdrawals, maybe it was the pain from his memories. Maybe the way Zel worded his statements got it him.  Or maybe it was the apology, or even the gesture itself. But.... tears started to flood his eyes after Zel finished. Tears that kept going, and going, and going. Tears he thought he didn't have left to shed were given, and tears he never let himself release came out.

And although all were surprising, all needed to be let out. As he sobbed with Zel still hugging him tightly as he did so, eventually as the crying and withdrawals started to lessen slightly, allowing him to pull himself up shakily.

"You okie?"

Smiling softly at Zel, he nodded before rustling the boy's hair.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm okay. Now, let's go check out the stuff I bought you, yeah? Tomorrow we're gonna try to find your momma and I got you some outfits to wear when we do."

His eyes lit up at those words as he ran into the main part of the hotel room.

"Oh you gonna wike mommy! She's so pwetty and sweet! I can't wait for you to meet mommy!"

He smiled brightly at the kid so animated over this, but deep down.. he was pretty sad that this boy would be gone soon. He'd try to find the parents and give responsibility to them if he did, but if he didn't... he'd wait about a week for all of the junk to fully leave his system before turning the boy in to police. He knew it was likely the boy would find a happy home and live a good life, so he wasn't entirely sure why he was so sad at the thought of sending him away.

Probably because I'll be completely broke by then and without any replacement money. Yeah, that's likely it. Because that's all I am. Just a druggie who has no place in that kid's life nor will I ever. This'll be better for him in the long run, and me. I won't be able to get my fix with that kid around.

Yet even as the conclusion and resolve came into his brain, the feeling was still there, the feeling of guilt, dread, and something else he couldn't really place. Oh well, he should at least try to take care of the kid for the moment before turning him in. Yeah, just focus on now and ignore that feeling. It was the best thing to do... right?

Sorry if it isn't too good towards the end!

A Life Changing Moment.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum