Part Six.

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Another day had come as the morning and the world's most annoying alarm clock set in.

"Wet's go see mommy! Mew! Mew! Wanna see momma!"

He groaned at the boy bouncing around on the bed trying to get his attention.

"Get down, ya'r gonna hurt yourself.."

He mumbled the words groggily as he slowly rolled himself off the bed.

"M'kay, here's how this is gonna go. You're gonna get one of the outfits I bought on while I get a shower. Then I expect you to brush your teeth while I deal with your mess of hair after. Got it?"


The boy had a determined little fire in his eyes while the blond sighed in relief at the compliance to his demand.

Grabbing a towel to do as he planned, he barely even made it into the bathroom before the toddler called out his name with the usual childish slurr that sounded even more muffled than before.

Turning around, Meliodas felt a twinge of annoyance at seeing Zel's head and arms stuck in the body of the shirt while one of his legs was flailing around with the wrong pant leg on.

Okay not gonna go as smoothly as I hoped. Whatever, I'll forgo the shower and just brush my hair and change fast. Now, to get him ready.

It had taken forty-five long minutes but eventually, the two had managed to successfully make it out the door and to Walmart; where Meliodas thought it best to start their search.

The plan was to look around and have Zel observe the people around them to see if any of them looked like his parents. If they did, the two would go up to them and see if they recognized the toddler. If not they kept going, if so, then it was over.

It wasn't foolproof, but how else was Meliodas supposed to do this? Sure there was the internet, but Zel said that his parents didn't have phones because they couldn't afford them, so they wouldn't be able to see anything he'd post about the boy.

Looking down at said boy humming while holding his hand, a thought ran through his head that he agreed with one hundred percent.

That's it. The next time a kid starts crying outside my room, I'm not answering. He may be cute and all, but trying to return him is a pain in my ass.


Snapped out of his thoughts by the child's reaction, he felt a spark of hope that this would be over fast, only for the reaction to be caused by the toy section the two had walked by.

"Mew look! Look!"

Rolling his eyes and sighing in annoyance, Meliodas went over and picked up the kid before walking away from the area.

"We're here to find your parents, kid. Not to look at toys."


The boy pouted but Mel paid it no mind as the two kept walking...

And walking....

And walking.

Three hours went by and any time the blond asked if Zel had seen anyone that looked familiar, he shook his head no. Eventually Meliodas just decided to leave because the toddler had lost focus about two hours prior. Although they didn't even get out of the parking lot by the time Zel uttered his next few words.

"Alright, we'll try again tomorrow."


"Yeah, kid?"

"I'm hungwy."

Sighing again and pinching his nose to stave off the headache caused by withdrawals, he took a moment before answering the child.

"Alright, how about a pizza tonight. That sound good?"


The little one practically lit up at hearing that while Meliodas smiled at the enthusiasm before picking Zel up.

"Pizza it is! We'll try again tomorrow to look for your parents okay? If you're good and pay attention better tomorrow I'll get you some ice cream for dessert. How does that sound?"

The most dramatic gasp left the toddler as he smiled eagerly.

"Hehe, I'm assuming that's a yes?"


The boys headed back while Meliodas ordered about half way there.

Alright so I'll cross Walmart off the list. I'm assuming at the very least the mom is out looking for him since Zel said she always tries to take care of him compared to the dad. So if she didn't show here today it's probably because she's not in the area. I'll try Food City next. Zel said that they go there a lot.

"Can I cuddwe Mew?"

He blinked out of his thoughts again to see himself on the bed and little Zel next to him looking hesitant.

"Sure, kid."

He wasn't sure why the boy wanted to, but the child hugged Meliodas a lot so he assumed it was due to Zel being an affectionate kid in general and just wanting comfort.

It took a few moments of scrambling as the boy grabbed the blanket and burritoed himself in it before he finally settled down with his body curled up entirely on Meliodas's chest as he immediately relaxed when laying there.

"Mew so wowm..." (warm)

"Ah so that's it! You're just using me for heat, huh?"

He had a playful smirk adorn on his face while the boy gave him a cheeky smile.


"You little devious thing come here!"

He sat up as the boy giggled before he tickled the crap out of him.


"That's right! That's what you get for trying to use me for heat!"

It was nice hearing the child laughing so much and so playful. To be honest, it was the first time in a long, long, long, time Meliodas had felt the same way.

I shouldn't be getting attached. He's going home soon anyway. Stop getting so close to him.

The thought dimmed his mood slightly, but in place of his playful mood that had vaporized quickly, a little twang he had experienced quite often around the child happened yet again when the worn out boy snuggled back down.

"Wove Mew. Make.... me... happy..."

Hearing that as Zel drifted asleep for some reason made him grab the boy tightly as he leaned his head against the ravenette's.

You shouldn't kid... you really, really, shouldn't. It'll just make it harder for both of us to say goodbye.

Sorry for the delay and for lack of a good chapter. ^^" I'm running a little low on FILLER ideas so please let me know if you have some cute activities for them! Again, FILLER and CUTE. Not general plot! I'm only using emphasis on this because you all are absolutely wonderful at plot ideas but I don't want you wasting your time writing them from any miscommunication. Anyway, I'll try to write more soon! And of course, credit for your idea will be given to you!

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