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"Did you give them hell" someone yelled.

"Look it's captain Levi they say he's like a whole brigade himself," someone else said 

"Tch spare me please," he said.

"Oh Levi your popular," I said he glared at me. We were back from another mission and I saw all my friends. I kinda covered my face not to be recognized me. 

"Be quite brat," he said I smiled. We headed to base and sat down eating lunch together. 

"Short stack pass the syrup," I said. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"She's talking to you Levi," Hange said.

"Shut it 4 eyes what was that Ana," he said glaring at me.

"I said pass the syrup short stack," I said.

"That's it," he said getting up.

"Your screwed," Petra said. I got up and started running as he chased after me. 

"Levi reconsider," I yelled.

"Reconsider what," he said.

"We're like besties right come on there's no need to kill me," I said running.

"No we aren't," he said as I circled back to the mess hall.

"Erwin Hange save me," I yelled jumping towards Hange. They caught me.

"I won't let him hurt my baby," they said.

"But her down glasses," Levi said. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Commander Erwin," someone yelled running in.

"What is it," he asked.

"The wall has been breached they need back up," he said.

"Everyone gear up now we leave at once," he said.

"Sir," we said running off. I ran to my room grabbing my jacket and putting on my gear. I ran out grabbing everything need for eclipse my horse I saddled up and got in line.

"Did you check your gear?" Levi asked looking at me.

"Yes don't worry," I said.

"Set off in formation," Erwin yelled and we were off.

"Stay by my side," Levi said I nodded. We soon arrived we got filled in. "Stay with Erwin," he said. 

"No I'm going with you," I said.

"I just told you to stay with Erwin," he said.

"Levi Ana go out protect Eren at all cost," Erwin said.

"Sir," I said saluting. And we were off.

"Stay by me at all times got it," he said.

"Yes sir short stack," I said. "The wall there," I said pointing.

"I can take them," he said.

"You take the front 2 I'll take the back 2," I said he agreed. And with that we separated taking them down I jumped over to the titan levi was standing on. "How was that?" I asked. He turned around.

"Pay attention kiddos this is the part you explain to me exactly what it is I'm looking at," Levi said.

"Hey guys," I said waving. After that we went and took down the rest of the titans. "I got 10 Levi," I said. 

"Wow," he says fixing his cape.

"Be nice would you," I pouted.

"Levi Ana come on," Erwin said. We followed him taking eren with us and putting him in a jail. 

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