My family

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Nick: Ello guys! We decided to introduce our family!

Nicky: First off, my dad

Dad- He was in Taiwan now working and just left the Philippines. He was hard working and he loves me and my family. He was always making me and my siblings laugh. And he really looked like me (xD)

Mom- She was working here in the Philippines. I sometimes hide in the bathroom so I can play my tablet away from her. She buys me stuff and also my siblings but I am the one who mostly stayed my mouth shut when it comes to toys and food.

John- He is my big brother who pranks me most of the time. He usually scares me when I went in our room. Very annoying yet he is very amazing at video games. When he was a starter at a video game he finds out at only a minute or more then he gets really good. Doesn't share anything (he does when mom and dad forces him xD). I tried to prank him but he was too good -_-

Ivy- A very annoying little sister who likes to take my food or toys (this is why I don't like toys). She is caring to my mother and father. She cares to me and my brother sometimes. She gets jealous when I get a new thing. She sometimes give stuff to me and my brother

Xian- My little brother which was a baby yet. Like to sleep and walk around the house. Does very cute noises and points to us sometimes. Likes to watch TV and eat food.

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