BIRTHDAY + Infected ppl by puns

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Nick: Nicky's Birthday is almost here! :3

Yna: Y-yeah

Nicky: Psh, I just survived 14 years with pain in studying lol

Lucas: Tru dat

Nicky: Although, Yna and Nick's birthdays are getting closer

Lucas: Why do they have the same birthmonth again?

Ethiw: Bc ur freakin jealous

Lucas: Can u not

Ethiw: I cannot knot

Lucas: Knot not?

Nick: Who's there? xD

Lucas: SHAT UP

Nick: SHAT UP who?



Sans: I have more here

Everyone: *runs away screaming*

Please stand by

Nick: I think we lost him

Lucas: Ye

Yna: I l-like puns t-though...

Nick: Why did you come with us?

Yna: Be-because L-Lucas pulled me!

Lucas: You must NOT go with the pun flow

Nicky: Lol

Yna: I have puns though >:3

Everyone except Yna: *runs away screaming*

Please stand by

Yna: *has PACKING tape on her mouth*

Nick: Do NOT take dat off!

Lucas: Do we really have to do this?

Nick: Ye, bc no puns

Sabrina: Eh, I only have flirts

All boys: *steps away from Sabrina*

Ethiw: What about Sera?

Sera: Science

Nick: Oh wait I almost forgot one person who knew puns-

Nicky: Huehuehuehuehuehue, we have a CATastrophe here *held out her cat ears*

All boys: *ded on the floor*

Sabrina: Pathetically funny lol

Yna: *slowly takes off the packing tape on her mouth* They got PACKED up

All boys: *over kill*

Sera: Ho boy *sighs*

Sabrina: Lol

Nicky: My deathda- I mean my birthday is in Wednesday, November 2, if you are asking. Nick's birthday is in December 3. Yna's birthday is in December 24. See you next time, up next is the musical of 'There!Right there!' by Legally Blonde or what you all call 'Gay or European' sung by-

Everyone: UUUUUUUUS *in a singing tone*

Sera: I won't be part of it, though

Everyone: YOU WILL

Sera: This is why I hate you guys

Everyone: BOOOOOI

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