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       This world is insane. Up above, you have the world of the rich and the famous, with all their fancy toys, and world leaders, and down below, you have the wild cards. You know, the ones who pick pockets to feed their families, who would stab their own brother for survival, and who do their best just to survive- And between those two, you have the fighters, who long for the rich life and despise it at the same time, and who try to keep the peace between the two worlds, though that never works in the end.

       You're probably wondering where I fit in in those places, but maybe you should judge for yourself. I mean, that's why you're reading my story, right? Or, well- I guess you could call what you have in your hands my diary, though I'm not some pink princess who dreams of a prince and writes juicy gossip about her friends across the pages. I guess you could call me an outcast, because I personally don't really know where I belong myself, though I will tell you, wherever a certain blue haired wacko goes, so do I, even if she does things that seem bad, and crosses lines.

         We've all had to do bad things, right? And the shit that life puts us through sometimes breaks us, making the black and white of right and wrong blur, making them hard to tell apart. I have a lot of trouble telling them apart too, and my own demons that haunt me. You'll find out what I mean soon enough.. If you're from the world above, I hope that maybe my story helps you see what it's like on the other side, though it'll probably make you hate the Lanes more, but what do I have to lose? It's not like we know each other outside of these wrinkled pages and ink. I doubt we'd be friends, either..

         If you're from the cold darkness of the Lanes and you found this lying on some dusty mattress somewhere, maybe you know me, or at least one of the names I go by, and you're probably either terrified of me, want to kill me, have a roll in the sheets with me, or think I'm hot stuff. But no one in the Lanes knows the real me except for two people, both of them citizens of Zaun, or whatever the Hell Silco was wanting to call his "dystopian society." What a stick in the mud he was- But I'm getting ahead of myself. Maybe you don't even know who I'm talking about..

        And for the record, if Sevika dig through my shit and it's her reading this, you'd better put it down before you lose a hand! Just because you're hot and have muscles the size of tree trunks (I've never seen a tree, but I'm guessing that the trunk looks like your arms), it doesn't mean you can snoop around my lair. Also- Make sure you put everything back where you found it, and no stealing, or I'll plant my fist in your face, robot arm or not. You know I can knock you down at least once in a fight, and I'll make you choke on those beautiful teeth.

          Anyway, back to what I was saying- This world can tear you up inside over and over, and stomp your heart into dust, but you can either let it, or fight back, no matter whether you're the hero or the villain. Either way, people are gonna hate you for what you do, so might as well enjoy yourself while doing it, right? That's how I love my life, anyway, and I also spend most of time following a certain person around, cleaning up the messes they make, but it's worth it.. They're one of the only ones who have ever wanted or needed me around, though sometimes, she- Well, sometimes, we don't get along so well, but what relationships don't have their rocky parts?

      Just know that whatever you read, and what you learn about me, you have a choice. You get to choose who you are, and who you hang around, and whose asses you kick, and remember, whenever some idiot knocks you down and spits in your face for who and what you are, get back up, and show them why they're wrong about you. Be stronger and tougher, like Sevika. I mean, wow- Talk about strong. Or like- Well, like someone else I know, who has badass red hair, and calls a certain topsider "cupcake" all the time, like a real weirdo. I mean, of all the pet names, why that?

       I guess that about covers it- I mean, I've opened my big mouth, or should I say, my tiny pen, for wayyyyy too long, and you're probably getting annoyed with my lame writing. So I guess we'll go ahead and get to the interesting story.. This is the last we'll see of each other for a long time, but you'll get to know me better soon. Oh, and if you happen to be in my room, and you grabbed my diary to steal it? You see that string attached to the cover? Someone I like a lot may or may not have attached a beautiful little explosive device to it, so if you can read while you run, I would start doing that. You probably have about three minutes to get out of there.. And if not, kaboom! See ya later, alligator!

           ~Your unfriendly neighborhood assassin, Max.

Game of Survival~Arcane Fanfiction(ON HOLD UNTIL SEASON 2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora