The Hunt/Betrayal

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When I opened my eyes again, it was because Sevika, being the asshole she was, shoved me out of my chair, causing me to hit the floor hard, pain shooting through my backside. "What the hell?!" It took me a minute to notice how banged up and injured she looked, and a smirk slowly spread across my face under my mask. "Who kicked your ass? It wasn't me, but it had to be someone as good as me, right? No way you'd lose to a pathetic weakling." Her icy glare burned holes into me, as she muttered, "It was her. She was always good with her fists, and you, of all people, would know about that." My blood ran cold, as I realized who she had to be talking about that way.

Only one person in the entirety of Piltover or the Undercity could make her voice tremble in fear that way. "No- She can't be down here.. Not already." That caught Sevika's attention, and she yanked me forward by the front of my shirt. "You knew she was alive?!" I shoved her off of me, and shrugged, glaring at her. "Does it matter now? She's here, and she kicked your ass. What does that have to do with me? Clearly, there's something you're wanting from me, so spit it out, or I'm walking away." A bag of gold coins flew against my chest, my hands catching it before it spilled, and I felt the color drain out of my face. "Not me.. Silco wants her and her little Enforcer friend found. He's already got people out looking for them, but you? You know they'll never catch them.. You can sniff them out like the filthy dog you are. And you'd better not let Jinx find out, or there'll be trouble in paradise."

I started swearing under my breath, tucking the gold coins into my pocket. "Fine. But only because I want them found, too. After this, I want a break from Silco's dirty work, and I want Jinx to have a few days off, too. I want to spend more time with her, and don't start in on me about any shit, got it? Otherwise, I'll add on to those pretty bruises you're wearing." She shut her mouth, and I stormed out of the bar, tugging my hood up over my head, and made my way to the place Sevika had been beaten, kneeling down as I found drops of blood spattered on the ground. "Vi.. Sevika hit her."

Despite being beaten to a pulp, Sevika must've gotten one clean shot on Vi, considering the amount of blood drying there, tiny droplets leading into the darkest parts of the Undercity. "If she's bleeding out like this, they won't make it too far. Especially out there- Caitlyn won't know how to handle the Shimmer addicts, or the dangerous psychos that lurk around there." I felt a twinge of worry for them, but shook it off, and began following the trail of blood into the darkness, quietly climbing over rocks, sharp metal pipes, and broken glass, peering down from the top of a cliff at the rusted up house down below that swayed with the slightest breeze. That had to be where they were.

I slid down the rocky slope to the bottom, pebbles and dust scattering all around me, and began approaching the back of the house, when I heard a familiar voice. Silco? What the hell was he doing there? If he was dealing with the situation personally, then why had I been hired? I snuck around the corner, hiding in the darkness, and watched Vi preparing herself to fight what were once people, but now Shimmer controlled monsters, and once again, felt a hint of something like concern. Even with her strength, there'd be no way she could fight off all those monsters. Silco's golden eye turned on me, and he nodded, a cruel smile on his face, telling me to eliminate Vi before she could see me standing there, and I slowly reached for my sword, drawing it. I knew what I had to do..

I saw Vi's blue eyes lock onto me, fear shining in them, and I didn't have time to react, before her fist slammed into the fragile support beam beside her and Caitlyn. The whole house shuddered and groaned, and then, it came crashing down on top of me, Silco, and all the monsters, triggering the horrible memories of being trapped in the burning cannery with glass and blood everywhere, unable to breathe, and once again, I watched Vi turn and run away, but this time, who was supposed to be my best friend ran, too. My heart wrenched with hurt, and I screamed in rage, shoving the debris off of me, ignoring the pain and blood all over my body, and began chasing after them. I couldn't run as fast as I wanted to, one of my legs gushing blood from an open gash, a few of my ribs cracked and possibly broken, my lungs burning with pain, but I kept going.

After awhile, I finally caught up to them on top of a tower, freezing as I saw Jinx standing there, her minigun pointing between Caitlyn and Vi, the blue orb she'd gone to so much trouble to steal on the floor beside her feet, tears staining her face. "Get away from her! Don't you fucking touch her!" By that point, even with the Shimmer in my mask pumping air into my broken lungs, I was wheezing, and I started coughing hard, feeling dizzy. "I told you if I saw you again, I'd fucking kill you!" Jinx's eyes widened, as her gaze turned on me. "Max? You.. Knew my sister was alive? And that she's with an Enforcer? But- How could you keep that from me?!" My heart nearly stopped, as she turned her gun on me. "I- I was trying to protect you.. I knew you'd get hurt. I couldn't let you get hurt. You know I care about you." My heart broke as she shouted, "LIAR!", and I flinched, looking down. "Please.. Please don't hate me. You have every right to, but please don't leave me behind."

The anger in her eyes softened, probably because of the fear in my voice, and the tears sliding down my face, as I coughed even harder, falling to my knees, barely able to breathe. She lowered her minigun, and slowly walked over to me. "You wanted.. To keep me safe? You really care about me?" I nodded, and weakly replied, "Why else would I get squashed by a building your sister knocked down to keep her from finding you and hurting you? I thought she'd take you away or you'd get arrested.. I would kill anyone for you, or do anything you needed me to. I lo-" Before I could finish what I was saying, the sound of hoverboards echoed through the air, and Jinx snapped to attention, peering into the darkness of a pipe, right as Firelights swarmed out of it at us, moving fast.

Jinx instantly started firing, and Vi began punching her way through the Firelights like paper. Meanwhile, Caitlyn got knocked out pretty quickly with one punch, and I drew my sword, dodging as one of the flying assholes tried to kick me in the face, and sliced their leg badly, before slamming my foot into their chest, knocking them off of the tower. I dodged another one's punch, which had been aimed for my throat, and whirled around, slamming my elbow into their mask, hearing it crack into pieces, blood gushing out from underneath it. My eyes widened as I saw one headed right for Jinx's back, and wrapped one of my arms around their throat, wincing with pain as they struggled, hitting me in my injured ribs, and the next thing I knew, I was falling through thin air, and landed far below on the ground, surprised when I wasn't dead instantly, everything going blurry and dark around me, my body a bit numb, and that's when a Firelight kicked me in the head, knocking me out cold, but not before I heard them zoom off again, Jinx screaming her sister's name..

Game of Survival~Arcane Fanfiction(ON HOLD UNTIL SEASON 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora