ch 4. the canary

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Unofficial Meeting of brittania Knights the roundtable. Est: 2021.

Knights of black the hellsing family legacy.

misty air wafted through the windowpanes in the dying illumination of the evening sunset in sthe hellsing family manor.  Thick green velvet curtains rustled with the autumn air as the Hellsing organization had a rendevous among thier top agents

Cordelia canute and Cerice victoria stand at attention near the doorway of the Hellsing office. The pale brunnette glanced down at her subtle shackles disguised as tea gloves. The cromwell demonic seals and symbols on the gloves glowing a reddish pink as it continously overran her spiritual and vampirical codex quicker then she could undo. It was like being stuck in onenof those fingertraps in a way.  Reworking her endlessly like gears grinding. Her curse altered. Like a mutated ailment. Queen cordelia I rotated her shoulders back crackling her bones. The woman in white had scarred and carved viking limbs showing most flesh she ever did in this uniform. It was a modern day fabric the officer uniform quilted starched a stiff thing meant for mobility proposed over protection. Fuck it she was already undead what is the point of armor at that point but she noticed most soldiers had minimal covering in this age.

Cordelia blew her single braid from her face. Canute had a dark shock of brown hair in a neat bun. Natural blush and slightly freckled in her pale elegant face. Her sword was in a velcro carrier sling on her back . Cordelia Posed on the desk side by side with Seras. The girl cherice or seras was a good soldier and loyal. But cordelia figured cherise acted more like the typival modern day girl then the hellsing madam.

Integra seems like she had alot of eyes on her and pressures of aristrocracy growing up. In her overly formal stature. Compared to the britons Cordelia felt surly toworing with overwhelming confidence that came with being a seasoned famous knight or athlete with a title.

Bored slightly patiently waiting orders Seras crossed her arms at attention mostly. Miss victoria Policegirl since puberty. As a child she lost her parents and grew up in the system vying to train to uphold and defend others so they wouldnt have to live thriugh what she did.  Cherise victoria was a ranked member of the holy knights order of the hellsing organization. Cordelia tucked her lip to the side trying not piece together things. But the roundtable was her era. Or right before. Those knights where what she modeled her royal entourage after.

Both women wore patrol uniforms. Seras was yellow and cordelias white. Almost like a nurse. Maybe she would switch to babyblue.

They  held their

breathes as thier masters

discussed their next course.

All was on a need to know basis Of course mostly at Cordelias expense. She was the newcomer. But to awaken a millenia  later  and just deal with a monotonous discussion without need of her holy maiden was easy. She was tired of leading her own wars finally. After paying 1000 years and the rest of  her eternal spirit off her natural course she was ready to pitch in for someone elses cause.

Cordelia wrinkled her nose and

glanced over to the two

overlooking a computer screen

and discussing telepathically.

"So the crown and roundtables a We will meet a paid leason and he will lead us to the village where the attack started. The kremlin and the eastern Orthodox church have not released the information and they have decided to send in the hellsing knights organization to distinguish whether the concern is of a paranormal or supernatural occurance. Christ a mercenary? The reis and trail lead us nowhere. So we forget

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