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Original upload date: 2021-04-29

    Before we begin, I should probably mention that some of this will be getting into sadcanon territory. You have been warned.

Quirky Seija

Seija has an odd habit of alternating between Eastern and Western name order, sometimes in relation to the same person in the same sentence. In addition, she often refers to people she knows by their surnames, such as calling Shinmyoumaru "Sukuna" until she had the whole fandom doing it.

Seija is fine using public toilets, but tends to get pee-shy in private.

Seija has very distant oni ancestry.

Seija has very peculiar tastes and a particular fondness for cod liver oil. She can drink gallons of the stuff!

Seija pees standing up.

Sad Seija

Seija was abandoned as a child and taken in by a surface-dwelling oni couple. Unfortunately, these oni had no idea what an amanojaku even was, let alone how to raise one. This resulted in Seija having an extremely tense relationship with her adoptive parents and eventually running away from home at the age of thirteen.

Because telling the honest truth is very difficult - almost physically painful - for an amanojaku, Seija often finds herself in situations where she wants to tell the truth but just can't. This causes her no end of stress.

Seija has never met another amanojaku in her life, and has every reason to believe she's the last of her kind. She isn't, of course; amanojaku are everywhere if you know where to look for them. But in a way, that just makes it even sadder.

Due to a combination of the above factors (and some general teenage angst that she hasn't quite gotten over), Seija suffers from dangerously high stress levels and may be at risk of developing a heart condition. Here's hoping she finds a friend who understands her soon.

Happy Seija

It's not all doom and gloom, of course. Seija genuinely sees Shinmyoumaru as the closest thing she has to a friend, even if they have had their disagreements. Thankfully, Shinmy is a very forgiving inchling and has more-or-less gotten over being lied to. And Seija, for her part, tries to be the best friend she can be, even if her amanojaku instincts make this difficult.

Seija rarely hugs unless she has a specific reason, but when she does, she's very good at it. She has an odd preference for hugs that other people would consider "awkward", such as hugs with someone much taller or shorter than she is.

Seija has recently taken up creative writing. She mainly writes "fantasy histories" but is currently working on a novel.

A/N: I did sei I was going to be updating more frequently, so here's ajieS. I love her outfit and her tiny cute horns and those red and white streaks in her hair! Anyway, I'm just messing around with Wattpad app's text formatting on the train in to work. And here we are. Next upd8 very soon.

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