The Future

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In a world where children do not smile...

Maribel Hearn was born in the spring of 2030 in Liverpool, to an Irish father (Gerry) and a mother (Violett) who claims to have been born in Japan to Swedish parents, but whose early life is shrouded in mystery, even to her own family. Other notable members of the Hearn family include Maribel's older brother "Big" Roy, and Violett's mother, an eccentric and inexplicably spry and youthful woman know only as Violett Sr.

Maribel's early life was somewhat uneventful, apart from coming out as trans at the age of thirteen. Not long after that, however, the family moved to Kyoto, where the young Maribel would meet someone who would change her life forever.

Maribel is tall and slender in build and has prominent Scandinavian features; if you look at her family tree, it's quite easy to see how much she takes after her mother, who in turn takes after her mother.

Usami Renko was born in the early autumn of 2030 in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture. She never knew her father, though her mother, a stage magician and children's television personality known professionally as The Amazing Usamimi, assures her that this is for the best.

Renko's early life was considerably less interesting than one might expect for the daughter of an eccentric celebrity, with the only major defining event of her childhood being a visit to a museum which happened to be hosting an exhibition on the history of science, sparking an interest that would eventually lead her to take up the study of physics.

Renko is of more-or-less average build - perhaps just a little on the thin side - and above-average height. There is nothing particularly remarkable about her physical apperance (fashion sense notwithstanding), but she is still very attractive nonetheless.

Maribel and Renko met during their first year of senior high school, when Renko gave some particularly choice words to a bully who had targeted a clearly distraught and confused Maribel. She then spent the next ten minutes or so comforting her new friend. This naturally involved cuddles.

Maribel and Renko are both demisexual. They have feelings for each other, but haven't quite managed to confess yet.

Maribel and Renko have a reasonably-sized circle of friends, whom they met in high school and who all attend the same college as them. In true Alexandeerverse fashion, they are, all of them, inveterate cuddlebugs. Maribel also has a penpal back in England named John.

Maribel and Renko have their own Wh40k collections - Grey Knights and Deathwatch respectively. They also play Age of Sigmar - Maribel collects Seraphon, while Renko is more partial to the Kharadron Overlords.

And now, the final hugcanon. Yes, you should hug Maribel and Renko. Both of them very much enjoy hugs, and are very warm. If you ask nicely, you might even get to hug both of them at once.

Meanwhile, back in Gensokyo: Where are they now?

Patchouli's health has improved dramatically since Remilia started making her eat a plate of beef and carrots every Sunday. This has also led her to put on a little bit of weight, which both of her girlfriends agree looks very good on her.

Flandre has recently entered several competitive danmaku tournaments, and soundly won. Remilia and Sakuya are somewhat concerned about how close she seems to be getting to the tournament's organiser, however...

After several years of good behaviour, Okuu is finally allowed to borrow Satori's credit card again. Here's hoping she uses it more responsibly this time.

Rinnosuke has discovered a big pile of boxes out the back of his shop, boxes showing images of gold-clad masked knights, green-skinned barbarians, and all manner of undead monstrosities...

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