Chapter Three

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"I don't even know what to say..." Was all I managed to get out once Cal had finished explaining it all to me.

"Should I be asking for your autograph or something?" I asked and he laughed.

"No! Please no! I just wanted to meet somebody who didn't already know who I was for a change, especially when that person happens to be my new neighbour." He said and gave me a small smile before continuing.

"Just treat me and Harry like you'd treat your other friends." Cal said and I groaned.

I guess now was the right kind of time to tell him.

"This is embarrassing for me to admit but I don't really have any friends here. I was in a fairly toxic relationship basically as soon as I moved here and I was pretty much just reliant on my boyfriend... Well ex-boyfriend now." I said barely able to look at his face.

"How long were you together?" He asked, trying to meet my eyes.

"About a year, give or take. We broke up a few times but I was living with him, so it was never really over, and he had a way of pulling me back into his world. Until one day he just decided that he didn't want me."

Cal listened intently and I gave him a half-hearted smile as I continued.

"We were living together but out of the blue he just said he'd had enough and told me to get my things and get out. I didn't know what else to do so I got everything that I could and crashed at a hotel for the night. I thought he would change his mind like he always does but the next day when I went back, he'd already packed my things into boxes and left them outside."

"Twat." Cal said making me laugh.

"I tried to call him but the number wouldn't work and that's when I realised it was different this time. So I've been desperately searching for an apartment for the last few weeks and as soon as I got the go ahead for this place I was ready to move in, boxes and all." I finished and Cal pulled me in for a hug.

"Well I'll be the first to admit that I'm glad you chose this apartment, and the whole friends thing, don't worry about it. Harry and I are right across the hall and we'll hang out with you whenever you like." He said and I gave him a really genuine smile.

"Thank you Cal, really it means a lot. I'm not too sure Harry and I will be the best of friends after today but it's nice to know that you're there." I said and Cal shook his head.

"Nah Harry's a sound lad, you just had a bad first encounter, I promise." Cal said and I raised my eyebrows back at him.

"In fact, come over for dinner tonight. I'll prove it to you." He said and I sighed dramatically.

"He's not that bad!" He insisted and finally I caved.

"Fine I guess I could come." I said and he punched the air in excitement.

"Thanks Jess, alright feel free to come over at uh... Seven thirty." He said glancing at his watch and with that he got up off the couch and almost ran out of the door.

I laughed to myself as I watched him leave. It would be nice to have some friends, even if one of them hadn't made the best first impression.

I spent the afternoon working and by the time I checked my phone again it was 7.15pm and I cursed as I realised I hadn't left myself much time to get ready.

Sometimes I couldn't help it with my work. I was lucky enough to do something that I was passionate about, and losing time because I was so involved in the project was a regular part of that.

I had a quick shower and decided I wouldn't have enough time to dry my hair so a messy bun would have to do. I also didn't want to put too much effort into my appearance since they were only my neighbours at the end of the day. Just really, really good looking neighbours.

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