Mc's Pov

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Jake, after all that he found out he decided to hack me and wrote on my chat with Max if i could meet him in front of a Chinese restaurant but he did not mean that i would go but he meant that he would go there but i did not know what he would do.
At midnight Max started waiting for me but i didn't arrive so he was about to go home until Jake stopped him by pushing him behind the chinese restaurant and told him : you thought that you could steal my girl but i won't let you do that because she is mine and if you don't break up with her then i will be back. Jake punches Max and comes home. I ask him:where were you? I was worried sick!
Jake awnsers: i wouldn't want you to be worried.
The next morning i wake up and ask myself:where am i?
I see Max that says: i thought that at midnight you would have come to the restaurant but you decided to make it all a trap by sending your friend Blake or however he's called. Now you are MINE!
I get worried but i understand what Jake did this morning at midnight: he went to a Chinese restaurant by saying i would have been there but i did not know so i explained everything to Max about what happened thinking that he would have let me go but no, he wouldn't. After a while i here someone knocking and saying: pizza delivery! So Max opened and saw to little girls, but then Jake ran against Max and taking me home.
Jake asked: why did you go to Max? He's crazy!
I awnser: i didn't go there! I woke up there.
Jake understood why he took me.
The next morning i receive a letter: help! please help! I did not want to go in jail. Please help me and tell the police someone brought you to me and that i did not take you. Your "best friend" Max.
I start thinking: should i go help him. I also think: where is Jake?

Duskwood (Jakexfemalmc) Where stories live. Discover now