Mc's P.O.V

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Dear readers, this part contains inappropriate details...

We stay in the car for a while, we were tired, very tired. We arrived home and sat on the couch with our kids and watch tv. After a while the tv stops working and on the screen it said" you are being hacked by h4ck3r 123". It kept on showing this hacker's computer's screen, it was very strange. Jake went to his computer and it was also getting hacked. Jake, after at least an hour blocked this h4ck3r 123 and installed a saftey application on every device of the house, especially iPhones. Lilly started to cry. I calmed her down and told her that everything was under control. Jake and i bring the kids to sleep. Once they fall asleep we take a warm shower. We go to bed early, we were very tired.
A week after...
We wake up and i feel cold, i wasn't wearing clothes but even worse was that i couldn't find Jake anywhere in the house so i call him. He awnsers:- Elektra, is that you?come to the police station to tell the police the truth, i am innocent, i just made a saftey application, that is the reason why i am in prison apparently. It was a week ago!-
I awnser:- i will try to make them believe you are innocent but I don't know if they will believe me. I'll try...-
The calk ends and i get a foto from Jake, it was written in a code. I think so i could remember what code it was, wait, isn't that morse code? It is indeed! I start searching for a paper that said the morse code. I find it and i decode it.
Morse code: __ . _ _._ . ... .. _ ._. . .. ___ _.. .. ... _ ._. ._ _. _. _
_ .... . __
Normal language: make sure to distract them

I am very sorry, last time i kept you waiting for too long and now i am very sorry also 'cause i am having problems these days, personal problems.
Sorry to all of you readers, i will check on you all next time and i hope to nit keep you waiting another time.

Duskwood (Jakexfemalmc) Where stories live. Discover now