Craig POV

"Dude quit being a pain and leave or order something" I said to my friend Clyde as he leaned over the counter.

"Awww don't be boring Craigy poo" I pulled away from Clyde.

"Don't ever call me that again" 

I pushed Clyde off of the counter and wiped it down.

"Don't treat me like I'm a bug dude" He said crossing his arms.

"I'm working I don't have time to mess around so either order something, sit down, or get out" Clyde sighed loudly before looking at the menu and looking back down at me.

"Fine I'll have an americano then" I put the order into the cash register before looking at Clyde again.

"That'll be $5.49" Clyde pulled out a wallet from his pocket and handed me a five and an one dollar bill.

I took the money and entered the amount into the cash register, when I was finished I handed Clyde his change and turned around to the coffee machine and began to make his order.

"So dud our high school reunion is coming up you going?"

"Well it's more of your high school reunion I wasn't in South Park for high school" I said as I put the coffee on in the pot.

"It'll be all the same people as in middle school though so it's basically like high school"  

"Dude that doesn't make any sense" I said as the coffee finished dripping.

"It doesn't matter I'm sure everyone will be surprised to see you again" I poured the coffee into the cup and walked over to the mixing counter.

While I was mixing in the espresso I heard the bell at the front door of the shop ding.

"Welcome to Tweak Bros. Coffee-" I turned around and saw Tiff Mr. and Mrs. Tweak Daughter.

I grabbed Clyde and pulled him down towards me.

"Dude what the-"

"Be quiet you see that girl over there?" Clyde turned to face Tiff before back to me.

"What about her?"

"That's the girl I was telling you about" Clyde looked at me confused.

"You said she was Mr. and Mrs. Tweak Daughter?" Clyde asked looking at the girl again.

"Yea they introduced me to her last week"

"Wow I didn't know Tweek had a sister" I looked at Clyde confused.

"Who's Tweek?" Clyde smacked his head.

"Tweek the really twitchy kid that was in our class for a really long time, that Tweek" I shook my head I couldn't really recall who he was talking about.

"Hey wait but that looks like" The girls walked over to the counter and they both smiled at me.

"H-hello Craig n-nice to see you again" I smiled and nodded my head.

"Nice to see you again Tiff" Just as she was about to say something else Clyde interrupted her being to loud as usual.

"Kenny?! Is that you?!" I looked at Clyde confused I do remember Kenny he was in Stan's group a bunch of trouble makers.

"No way Clyde Donovan I haven't seen you in a long time" Kenny said hugging Clyde.

But wait if this was Kenny this didn't add up Kenny was a boy but this Kenny is clearly a girl.

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