Tweek POV

I can't believe I'm doing this, I walked over to my full length mirror and gripped the sides of my dress. A week ago stan made the suggestion I go to the high school reunion as Tiff now I was actually listening to him, something in my stomach was telling me something would go terribly wrong tonight. I had grabbed my phone and decided on weather or not I should call Kenny and tell him I'm not going but I didn't want to disappoint him so I decided against it. I walked into the living room where I saw my parents sitting down and watching TV on the the couch.

"Look how beautiful my baby looks" My mom said standing up and walking around me.

"Mom" I said in looking away from her in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry you just look as pretty as you did when you first went to prom" She said smiling at me.

"I didn't dress as Tiff then mom"

"I know but I can call you handsome right now can I?" Fair point.

Just as my mom picked up her phone to take pictures of me there was a honk outside.

"Oh look mom it's Kenny I g-gotta go!" 

I kissed my mom on the cheek as she pouted at not being able to get a picture, I hugged my dad and unlocked the front door.

"Don't worry mom I'll send you a picture of me l-later tonight" My mom's pout turned into a smile as she waved me goodbye.

I closed the door and walked up to Kenny's car.

"Wow you look good, not as good as Butters but good" Butters smiled as she hit Kenny in his leg.

"Wow first time seeing you two today and your already making me feel single" I said as I opened the car door and got inside.

"Stan, Kyle and Wendyl are already there, they told me Cartman hasn't arrived there yet"

I began getting nervous again. What if Cartman saw through this and saw I was actually Tweek and I start to get ridiculed again.

"Oh geez I don't know if I want to see Cartman again" butters said softly.

"It's gonna be ok Buttercup I won't let that asshole say anything to you"

I looked down at my hands and began to mess with the lace on my dress, I didn't have anyone to stand up for me like Buttes does, not that I need anyone to but I'm already a nervous wreck. Having someone there would help me calm my nerves a little. If Cartman figured me out would I have to just take it if he began to make fun of me? I had gotten so lost in my nervous thoughts that I hadn't heard Butters telling me we were at the school now.

"Tweek!" I jumped as I heard Kenny yell my name.

"You ok?" Butters asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yea I'm ok" I said nodding my head.

Butters and Kenny looked at each other for a second before looking at the school building.

"Alright everyone ready?" Me and Butters nodded our heads as we began walking to the school building.

As we got closer and closer I felt the pit in my stomach get deeper and deeper, I could tell Butters was nervous as well seeing as she grabbed onto Kenny. I sighed as we got up to the doors, Kenny pushed the door open and held it open for me and Butters to walk in. When we walked in we were surrounded by the blinding lights mild chatter and the smell of liquor.

"Whoa who started drinking already?" Kenny asked waving his hand in front of his nose.

I looked around the gym and saw round tables decorating half of the gym leaving the other half for a table with snacks and liquor to be along with an open floor for dancing and or to just talk with people. I walked over to one of the round tables and sat down trying to avoid questions from anyone. That weird feeling of uneasiness hasn't left me sense I left the house and now that I'm here it's like it got worse. I opened my phone and began to scroll through the different social apps I had, that's when I saw a series of pictures with captions on his snapchat.

"Guess who's coming with a special plus 1"  

"You guys are gonna love him"

"We're almost there!"

"We're here fuckers!"

When I read the last caption I heard the doors of the cafeteria open up to reveal Clyde and someone behind him.

"What's up peeps of South Park!" He yelled into the gymnasium.

You could here some people groan while some laughed.

"I have bought a very special guest!"

Clyde stepped aside to reveal the person behind him, and low and behold it was Craig.

"Ladies, gentleman and gays I have brought back our old elementary friend Craig Tucker!"

Wait Craig Tucker? That's his last name? How did I never figure that out? Oh god I remember him now I used to sometimes sit with them at lunch but I guess I wasn't special enough for Craig to remember me. I looked back to Clyde then back to Craig that's when I noticed that he had seen me. Oh god please don't come over here! Please don't come over here! Please don't come over here!

"Hey Tiff" 

Crap he walked over to my table and sat down across from me.

"H-hey Craig" I said waving at him a tiny bit.

"I didn't know you went to the same school as Clyde"

"Oh no I don't I'm just here because Tweek couldn't be here" I lied through my teeth.

"That's the second time I've heard his name but I don't remember him, he went to South Park elementary right?" I nodded my head.

Craig put his hand on his chin to try and contemplate his thoughts, I looked at Craig for a second before hearing the gym doors open again. I quickly turned my head to the doors and the person standing in the door just happened to be my worst nightmare.

"Hey guys did ya miss me?"

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