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Tweek POV

"H-hey what was that about I p-paid for the drink for you not him" I asked Kenny confused.

"Oh nothing I guess I didn't want it anymore" Kenny said as she began driving the car.

"Ugh see if I buy you anything ever again" I said slumping down in the front seat.

"Put your seat belt on unless you wanna go flying through the front window" I quickly sat up and buckled my seatbelt.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked as I looked at Kenny.

"We my dear friend are going to Stan's house" I looked at Kenny confused.

"Why Stan's house?" Then I thought about how I looked.

"I-I can't go to his house looking like t-this!" I began to fiddle with my fingers again.

"Dude don't worry Stan already knows about you" I stopped fiddling with my fingers immediately.

"W-What do you m-mean?" I asked confused.

"I mean I told him a long time ago" I nearly jumped out of the car seat.

"W-why would y-you tell him t-that?!" I basically yelled.

"Well he didn't find it weird considering he's dating a gender fluid person" 

"W-who's gender f-fluid besides you and Butters?" 

"Wendy dude" I thought about who Kenny was talking about.

"Wait the same Wendy that b-beat the shit out of C-Cartman in fourth grade?" Kenny nodded his head.

"Plus he's also dating Kyle, there like in a polyamorous relationship" 

Hearing Kenny say that Stan was dating Kyle, and Wendy was a surprise he just seemed to be one of those toxic straight men when we were little.

"But why are w-we going to S-Stans?" I asked confused as I turned my head back to the front.

"I got something I need to talk to all of you about and I just thought of it while we were in your parents coffeehouse" She said as we pulled up to Stan's house.

"A-and that would b-be" I asked getting out of the car.

"You'll see it concerns a great deal of all of us" 

I looked at Kenny confused as she walked up to Stan's house door and rung the doorbell. After a few seconds the door opened and the person standing at the door was Kyle.

"Hey Kenny and..." Kyle looked at me confused.

"Dude this is Tweek"

Kyle looked at me confused for a moment before a look of shook appeared on his face.

"Tweek? It's so weird to finally see you as Tiff instead of hearing the stories Kenny tells" I looked over at Kenny.

"Y-You told Kyle t-to?" Kenny shrugged his shoulders before looking at Kyle again.

"You gonna let us in though?" Kyle stepped aside as me and Kenny walked into the house.

"Stan and Wendy are upstairs" 

Kenny and I followed Kyle upstairs to Stan's room and when Kyle opened the door right on the bed Stan and Wendy were making out.

"Alright love birds come up for some air for a second" Kenny said crossing her arms.

Stan and Wendy pulled away from each other and looked at Kenny and I.

"Oh Kenny and Tweek wow so weird to see you as-" Kenny held up her hand.

"Yea he heard that from Kyle already" Stan looked at Kenny confused along with me, Kyle, and Wendy.

"What wrong Ken?" I asked concerned as to why he was being a little rude.

"We have something important to talk about" Kenny walked out of the room.

I turned to look at Kyle and he shrugged his shoulders as he followed Kenny out of the room, I sighed as I followed behind them with Wendy and Stan following behind me. When we were finally in the living room we all sat down and looked at Kenny.

"Alright what's the problem?" Stan asked.

"So you know how our high school reunion is coming up right?" We all shook our heads in acknowledgement.

"Well you all happen to remember a fellow by the name of Eric Cartman?" We all kind of froze scared to see where this sentence was heading.

"Well he just got out of the detention center last night and he plans to come to the high school reunion" Oh god here comes my nervous twitching.

"Y-your kidding r-right?" I asked.

Kenny shook her head and that's when I officially went into panic mode.

"N-No w-way he's c-coming! W-why is h-he c-coming?!" I asked as I now started grabbing my hair and pulling at it.

"Calm down Tweek" Kenny said trying to calm me down.

"Dude how do you he got out of the detention center last night?" Stan asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"I kept in touch with Cartman" Kenny said nonchalantly.

"How could you stay in tough with that racist genocidal fatass?" Kyle asked in disbelief.

"I wanted to know his whereabouts in case something like this were to happen" 

We kinda sat in silence for minute before Kyle spoke up.

"I'm still going to the reunion, and if that asshole makes a single Jew joke, I'll kill him" Kyle said crossing his arms over his chest as well.

"Yea he shouldn't be a valid reason why we don't go to the reunion, I'm still going to" Wendy piped in sitting forward on the couch.

"Yea I have to agree with Wendy and Kyle I'm still going to"

Everyone turned there heads towards me as silence fell over the room. It stayed silent for a couple of seconds before Kyle spoke up.

"Tweek? You going to the reunion?" 

"I don't know I-I don't w-wanna be i-in the same room as C-Cartman" I said removing my hands from my hair.

"Oh come on Tweek you can't let that asshole ruin seeing everyone again for you" Stan said leaning back into the couch.

"B-but I don't w-wanna be ridiculed by h-him again" I looked at Kenny before I had a thought.

"Kenny shouldn't y-you be worried about B-Butters finding out C-Cartman is back? H-he got it the w-worst out of m-me and him" Everyone turned to look at Kenny now.

"Of course I'm worried about Butters being in the same room as him, but if Cartman dares to even think about ridiculing Butters Ill kick his ass"

"Look it's nice you guys h-have someone to protect you but I-I don't so-" I was cut off by Stan interrupting.

"Hey why don't you go to the reunion as Tiff?" I looked at him confused.

"W-why would I go a-as Tiff? Tiff didn't g-go to school w-with everyone e-else" Stan sat forward again.

"You can Tiff is your cousin and was standing in for you cause you were to busy to go"

"Stan no offense but that sounds like a terrible idea" I nodded my head at Kenny's statement.

"Well I was just giving a suggestion" Stan said sitting back onto the couch again.

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