Who's The Better Lover 2

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 A chill went through Keigo's body. His wings were an obvious weak spot for him, but the thought of finding other areas, possibly just as sensitive, made his erection spring back to life. Dabi glanced down subtly, a low chuckle emanating from his throat and into the blond's ear. "Do you wanna be used, pretty bird?"

I leaned into Keigo's side, catching Dabi's gaze. "I think...he wants to fuck around and find out..." I winked, causing an impish grin to form on the villain.

"Well, let's find out then," he whispered as he ran a hand up Keigo's chest, snaking around his neck until his fingers laced through the hair at the base of his skull. He tugged gently, watching as the bird man's head tilted back slightly. Unsatisfied, Dabi shifted his hand further up Keigo's head, grabbing a bigger handful of his locks and pulling harder until a gentle moan escaped his parted lips.

Hair pulling wasn't anything new for the hero, but it usually happened when he was eating out a girl. This felt different. Instead of being an indication of how good he was doing, it allowed him to sink into his own pleasure a little deeper. His hand found Dabi's arm and gripped gently.

"Is that good, birdie?" Keigo nodded as much as he could, unintentionally pulling away from Dabi's grip, causing his hair to grow more taut. "Use your words, baby."

"Yeah," the blond uttered breathlessly. "That's pretty good."

I took Keigo's arm in my hands, turning it so the inside of his arm was exposed and gently ran my nails up and down the sensitive flesh. His wings fluffed up and shuddered from my touch, his cock flexing. I slowly lifted his hand to my mouth, holding his gaze as I slipped one of his fingers into my mouth and gently started to suck. Before I knew it, his breathing sped up and he added another finger, thrusting them in and out of my mouth.

I gave my best doe eyes as I sucked. "God damn, baby bird, that--f-fuck!" Keigo's words were cut short by Dabi's teeth nipping at his earlobe, sucking slightly and tracing the shell of the blond's ear with his tongue. The burnt lips slipped behind the other man's ear, kissing and sucking on the soft skin. Keigo's eyelids fluttered at our actions, his breath hitching in his throat when our motions synced up. Pre was oozing from his tip and dripping onto his abdomen.

He gripped his cock with his free hand and began stroking to relieve some of the pressure. Dabi noticed, taking Keigo's hand from his length and holding their hands just out of reach. Keigo whined, his head falling back as the villain's mouth latched onto his collarbone where he knew the hero's costume would cover.

I let Keigo's fingers fall from my lips, making sure to keep his hand in my grasp. My lips joined the burnt man's in attacking Keigo's chest, both of us leaving small purple splotches with soft pink rings left by our teeth.

Dabi's free hand trailed down to the blond's thigh as they locked eyes. "How much experimenting are you up for?" he asked softly, attempting to subdue the lust in his tone.

Keigo's eyes widened slightly. I watched the two, not entirely sure as to what Dabi had in mind. Keigo took a deep breath and bit his lip. "I...I don't know...can we go s-slow?"

The villain's smirk disappeared and was replaced with a genuine, soft smile. "Of course we can, baby. Stoplight system?" I nodded as Keigo gave him a slightly puzzled look to which he sighed. "Say red and we stop completely, with yellow we'll pause and adjust however we need to so everyone is comfortable, and green is a go." His hand inched between Keigo's legs, massaging up his inner thigh and causing the hero to gasp deeply. "So what color are you at, birdie?"

The blond opened his legs slightly. "Green."

Dabi glanced at me then at the bottle of lube on the bed. I handed it to him and watched as he squirted some onto his fingers, sliding his body so that he was on his stomach between Keigo's legs. I saw his fingers disappear between the bird man's thighs, the room tense with anticipation until he released a low moan. Dabi's fingers were gently rubbing against Keigo's entrance, his eyes never leaving the other man's face as it twisted in pleasure.

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