Did I Mention He Was Smoking Hot?

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Inspired by the Criminal Minds audio floating around tiktok right now

The breakroom isn't as packed as I wish it was, which means I'll have to hurry if I don't want to run into him. The caffeine is enough to wake me up but not enough to prepare me for this talk. We've been coworkers - hell, we've been friends - for a long time, but I can't keep waiting for him, or our mutual friend, to make a move. If either of them were into me, they would have done something about it by now, and I'm tired of waiting. It breaks my heart a little that neither of them ever made a move, but if they're going to be this slow about it, fine.

I hurry to the condiment station to get cream and sugar for my coffee, spilling a little of both as I try to dump them into my cup as quickly as possible. While I may be upset at both of them, I'm not ready to have this conversation. They're both such damn flirts, but if this new guy proves to be worth my time, the flirting will have to stop. I try to avoid confrontation at all costs, but I'm worried it might be necessary. I grip my coffee cup firmly to race out of the breakroom when I hear, "Y/N~ Good morning, feather."

"Good morning," I spin on my heel and try to avoid eye contact as I attempt to stride out of the room.

Hawks catches my shoulder, bringing me to a screeching halt. "Hold up...just a second..." He gently pushes my shoulder until I'm turned to face him. "Every day I say good morning, every day you say 'I'll show you a good morning, bird boy.' Every day...but not today?"

I take in a shaky breath, trying to look anywhere but at him. "What? I'm not allowed to just say good morning and go about my day?"

He cocks his eyebrow, his hand gripping my chin until I'm forced to look at him. "Spit it out, Y/N."

My shoulders drop as I sigh, realizing this conversation is happening whether I want it to or not. "Fine..." I close my eyes for a second in an attempt to mentally prepare myself. "I met someone."

"What?" he asks incredulously. "Where?"

"At the Hero Gala. Smoking hot. We started talking about our quirks and he asked for my number..."

"And you just–"

"Gave it to him...yep. A complete stranger. Did I mention he was smoking hot?"

Hawks crossed his arms and furrowed his brow. "Uh, yeah, I think you did." His wings puffed out a bit. A tidal wave of emotions flooded his eyes, but I couldn't pick them apart to see what he was feeling. He was always good at masking his emotions on the fly...no pun intended.

Feeling overwhelmed, I backed up a few steps to regain my personal space and establish this new distance. His eyes flickered to my feet, then back up to my face as he mentally took note of what I was doing. We stood in silence, each passing second drawing out as if time had slowed down just for us. Say something, I thought, but I'm not sure if I was talking to him or to myself.

"I'll need my keys back...from both of you..." I uttered barely above a whisper.

"Why?" Ah, there it was - the anger swimming in his eyes. "We're still friends, aren't we?"

"I don't need either of you coming in unannounced while he's over," I stated.

His eyes widened slightly. "Wait...you're not gonna tell him, are you? You're expecting me to tell him and get your keys back from both of us..."

"...please don't make this harder than it already is..." I whispered shakily.

Hawks shook his head, his glare locked on me. "Hell no, you need to tell him, Y/N. You owe him that much."

Hawks x Dabi x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now