Chapter 4

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Just a moment...

Y/N woke up to Mike and Luke pulling her out of the bed. "Y/N!!!" Luke screamed. Y/N glared at her younger twin brothers. "Gotta get up, up, up!" Mike said and the two ran out of her bedroom before she could do anything. Y/N got up and got ready.

She walked outside with Ranboo and looked at him. He was wearing his casual clothes now. The bet was over. They had their umbrella's and walked to school. It was dark, cold and raining. Both their parents were off to work, so they couldn't drive them and they only lived 5 minutes away from the school, so taking the bus was useless. They walked there. The cold rain creating puddles on the concrete. A splash.

They walked together. Hand in hand. Suddenly only one umbrella. The man's face reminded Y/N a lot of a rainy day. It was calm and beautiful. Their stormy eyes were like rainy, dark, fluffy clouds, that lingered in the air. And for just a moment. Everything seemed perfect. No school. No family. Nothing. It was only them two.

As it seemed to be a lovely day. The walk was longer. The path seemed to be never ending. "Y/N..." Her dearest friend and summer crush, spoke up. "What exactly do you feel for me?" He asked, his low voice seeming to echo throughout the rainy air. The words lingered long and swirled softly around the girl. For just a moment, they stood there and looked at each other. Y/E eyes meet Grey ones and for just a moment... Everything seemed perfect. The sound of calming rain, soothed the girl, as her face turned different shades of red.

She couldn't answer him. Because there was no answer. Her feelings had no volume, for she was too afraid to speak. Her feelings didn't need words. Neither did his. His stormy eyes scanned the girl's face and looked down at their intertwined fingers. Like this... Just like this. Maybe for just a moment. But a moment worth it. "How do you feel... about us?" He asked, the question filling her head. The two people had forgot about their school. They stood there. For just a moment. Soaking in the rain, looking at each other.

For just a moment... everything was perfect... Just right...

As he let go of her hand, he leaned closer to her face. The umbrella fell slowly towards the ground. The cold rain hit their faces, as they were getting close. The umbrella hit the ground and the puddle. Y/N's eyes widened. A moment. That was it. His soft hands were on her cheeks, cupping her face gently. It made her feel so loved. And appreciated... The kiss... For just a moment... There was love around them. For just a moment... Everything was perfect. The girl was awoken from her state of shock and came to realize... This was no dream... The person she had once loved, loved her still... The feelings of her summer crush came soaring back.

For a moment they stood there... Two teens, so deeply in love that they forgot the world around them. For a moment... They shared a soft, sweet and affectionate kiss, which Y/N wished could last forever. The feeling of this kind of love... She wished could last forever. As he pulled away, he looked into her Y/E colored eyes and smiled. "I know... You're not ready for a relationship... And I know may confuse you right now, but..." He moved his hands from her face and gently traced her shoulder. His hands moved down her arms and two her hands, holding them softly. Her hands were cold... His were warm... "I had to show you... my feelings have not changed..." The stormy eyed boy said in his soft voice.

He let go of her hands and picked up his umbrella. He handed Y/N her umbrella and continued walking. A moment... A moment that was now over...

For a moment, she had felt loved...

For a moment, it was all perfect...

For a moment, it was all love...

But it was just for a moment...

He turned and looked at the girl, still standing in the pouring rain. "C'mon... We're already late enough as it is"

For a moment...

They loved each other...

Guess it was not just a summer crush...


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