Chapter 8

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Ranboo POV

Her hands held mine...

Our foreheads were pressed together as we stared into each other's eyes. I loved her and she loved me... I hoped she loved me. If she didn't, why would she still be here with me... She gave me a soft, warm smile and went stood up on her tippy toes. She leaned closer to me. Everything inch of my body started to tingle, as her lips were about to press against mine. But before we could share a kiss...

I woke up...

It's been 5 weeks and I have had multiple dreams of me and Y/N being together... I tried... God's I really tried to stop these thoughts. I tried to push them away... but it seemed impossible to me... I cared for her deeply and I wished her nothing but the best...

But, I am not the best thing, that the world has to offer her...

The day flew by, and I was sitting in class. I had gotten a seat a bit away from Y/N, to keep my distance. I couldn't be with her. It hurt too much... It was unbearable to deal with. I couldn't handle my heart being broken over and over, multiple times...

I looked over to Y/N, to see her talking with Travis. I couldn't help but overhear their conversation... I wasn't that far away...

"Hey, I am sorry about those comments. I just get weird around pretty girls and with teenage hormones and shit..." Travis said. Like Y/N would fall for that! She was smart enough. She could see through his lies! "It's alright. I'm Y/N by the way" I heard her say. I felt my heart drop. It was so much pain... It was worse... It felt like my heart had just been stabbed by a thousand knives.

"I'm Travis, though you already knew that!" I didn't wanna listen to their conversation anymore. I blocked out everything else. I didn't want to hear it. Was this jealousy? Was this how Jim felt when people flirted with Millie? It's terrible. I suddenly heard Y/N and Travis laughing... together... It hurt... It hurt so much to hear them laughing and hearing Y/N being genuinely happy. I should feel happy for her, I should! But I didn't!

I hoped and begged for this to be a nightmare. It was a nightmare! That's what it was! I would wake up at any moment now! Any moment...

But it wasn't... Nothing happened... I felt my heart only hurt more and more. Make it stop... Make it stop... Please make it stop...!

I saw moment in the corner in my eyes and saw Chad walking over to Travis, grabbing his shoulder roughly. "I think it is best if you left" I heard Chad say. I looked behind me, to see a confused Travis and Y/N. Before Travis could say anything, Chad shouted at him. "BEAT IT SHIT FACE!" With that, Travis left. Chad looked at me and walked past me, passing me a note as he did so.

What was that about...? I looked at the note and opened it. The note was actually really sweet. The note said; "I still fucking hate your guts, but when it comes to heartbreak I am too familiar. It's obvious to tell you like her. I will give you a break"

Who knew Chad could be nice. I looked to Chad's seat, to see him talking with his group of friends. For some reason... I believed him...










A short chapter, because we need some short chapters! We also got to see a different side of Chad :D

Highschool Romances (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now