Chapter 10

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Both Y/N and Ranboo talked about their feelings to both Jim and Millie. The two told each other and... "So they both like each other and they don't know!?" Jim asked shocked, holding his Japanese spits puppy Tikki. "Y/N knows Ranboo likes her, she is just unsure if Ranboo still has feelings for her" Millie explained and got the dirt out of Anubis the Sphynx cats claws.

"Ranboo is head over heels for Y/N! He is completely obsessed! He is even having dreams of the two being a relationship" Jim said, which Millie tilted her head at. "He has dreams of Y/N? He really is obsessed" Millie said and let Anubis crawl under the blankets. Jim let go of Tikki and put his hand on Millie's. "Honestly, I felt the same for you princess" Jim said, making Millie blush. "Hvorfor er du så køn?" Millie asked in Danish. Jim shrugged and looked at Millie." Why are you so cute?" Jim asked and wrapped his arms around Millie, giving her sweet kiss on the cheek.

Millie let out a squeal, when Jim started to tickle her. Millie laughed and playfully pushed Jim away. The two leaned into each other, resting their foreheads against each other, both giggling lightly. "The two will figure stuff out. We're just going to give them a small nudge in the right direction. We shouldn't really get in the way" Jim said and brushed Millie's hair out of her face, placing a small kiss on the tip of her nose. They truly did love each other.

Millie hugged Jim and smiled at her boyfriend. "We can just hope everything works out for them"

Meanwhile, Ranboo and Y/N was on the roof. Was she going to do it? Not much had happened in their school year, everything had gone by so fast and soon it was all over. Y/N promised herself she would tell Ranboo by the end of the school year... But yet, she was unable to... Till' she remembered...

"Ranboo... Can I tell you something?" Y/N asked, making Ranboo look at her. He had on a black mask, his stormy grey eyes shimmering a bit. Y/N's heart sped up. Was she really going to do it? She opened her mouth, but no words were able to come out... "Jag..." Y/N could hear it wasn't even close to what Millie had said, but she wasn't going to give up... "Jag elsker dig" Y/N said. She wasn't able to get the e to sound right, but it was better than nothing.

Ranboo tilted his head slightly, smiling gently at Y/N. "Jeg elsker også dig" Ranboo said. Y/N understood three words and blushed furiously. "What? You didn't think I understood Danish? Millie taught me a bit as well" Ranboo said. He gently placed his hand on top of Y/N's, the two locking eyes. Was this really it. Ranboo hoped and begged this wasn't one of his dreams... He couldn't take any more disappointing dreams, where he would wake up and they weren't true. But when Y/N pulled down Ranboo's mask and placed a soft kiss on his lips, he knew it wasn't a dream.

I guess High school romances do work out in the end...


"FINALLY YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER!!!" Millie and Jim said at the same time. "Good job there dude, thought you'd chicken out" Chad had said. Yeah, Ranboo and Chad still had times where they fought, but they figured it out and become ok friends. They helped each other out. "It was actually Y/N that confessed first" Ranboo admitted, having a hand at the back of his neck.

"Still good job though. Now I can go back to beating the shit out of you" Chad said and let out a some-what evil laugh. "I'd prefer not to"

They were all really happy. They finished up their school and graduated and was able to figure stuff out along the way. But what will happen to other cold winter hearts?












I know this story is short, but we have a whole lot of books lined up! Next up! Winter Hearts!

Also! I have made a vent animation. This is just me venting about my troubles. 

I'm pretty sure it comes up on YouTube if you search: "Pork Soda Millie Moo"

If not Here is a link:

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