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A small girl - no older then eight years old - stayed cuddled up in the corner of the inclosed yellow brick room which looked like something from an 80s mental asylum. Her small frame shaking at how cold it was. 

A large glass wall covered one side of the concrete room, looking out into a stone hallway. People in sharp white lab coats with glasses hanging loosely from their noses and soldiers with a red and black logo carrying guns roamed up and down the hall, some every now and then peering into her room.

The girl's skin which was usually lightly tanned now looked sickly pale, her nose was bright pink and eyes swollen and red from crying. Her lips that used to be a rosy pink were now pale and crakced. Snot trickled down her button nose causing her to wipe her arm across her face to rub it away. 

Her once silky and glossy blonde hair now matted and greasy from days of neglection. Her eyes that once held so much joy and laughter now only show fear and pain, piercing blue iris' that held so much innocence now a dull grey.

She had no idea where she was, or how long she had been there, losing count after she fell uncontious when the people in white cloaks injected her with something. The girl had no idea what it was, only that it burned every cell in her body, the pain knocking her uncontious. 

She does remember the day she was brought to this horrible place. Just at home eating dinner with her mother on a Sunday evening when men dressed in black broke through their windows and took her, covering her eyes with a blindfold and tieing up her arms and legs. 

When the men took the blindfold off she saw her father who she thought was in jail being forced onto his knees with cuts and bruises littering his body and a very large black eye and busted lip. She heard the soldiers threatening to kill her if he didn't comply to making some sort of formula for them.

The girl's eyes stung from the hours of crying. She could feel the tears burning her eyes but they wouldn't fall which left her a hiccuping mess. She was hungry, the stale bread and dry peas with tangy mashed potato they would give her making her feel like vomiting.

A flickering light illuminated the freezing cold room. Her bed was an old smelly mattress laid on a steel frame. The sheets were dirty and covered in either blood or vomit, either way she didn't want to know. An un clean toilet sat next to the bed allowing any person passing by a clean shot of her doing her business. 

Oh but don't worry, it's not all bad. They gave her a stack of paper and blunt crayons so she doesn't get bored. How kind of them.

The girl stared at the plain concrete wall, shivering as she sung a lullaby her mother used to sing softley to herself when she heard the beeping of someone clicking against the electronic sealed door's keypad. 

She tilted her head slightly to the side seeing three soldiers and two people in lab coats, a man an women walk in. She stood up without complaints, knowing fighting against them wont do any good. Two of the armor clad men grabbed her by her arms with firm grips. 

Her head hung low as they dragged her down the hall to a white room. A large steel table sat in the middle of the room with a steel tray to the side which held many surringes and surgical tools. A large machine stood to the side of the small room that connected to many wires.

The men forced the girl to sit in the chair, strapping her legs and arms to the feet and arms of the steel chair. The people in coats then proceeded to grab a pair of hair clippers and pulled her head back. 

"What are you doing?" She whimpered, watching as the switched on the clippers causing a buzzing noise to fill the room. As they bring the tool towards her hair she began shaking her head in protest. 

"Be still." she commanded as they began shaving her blonde hair off. The girl felt a single tear fall down her face as they went at her hair, leaving her with a messy buzz cut. Once someone cleaned up all of the strands of hair from the floor they began hooking up wires to her head and chest.

One of the people in lab coats carefully grabbed a surringe that held a very large needle and carried bright blue liquid. The woman pressed the girls head to the table, pulling down they grey shirt they gave her, "This is going to hurt a lot." 

And suddenly the girl felt the surringe stab into the back of her neck, she let out a loud scream as the liquid entered her system, spreading throughout he body. The girl cried out in pain as the serum burned her entire body, the people in white stepped back as her body began cunvlosing.

Large blue veins began bulging out of her skin, spreading from the back of her neck to her head and arms. The short blonde hairs on her scalp began turning a snow white, her grey eyes flashing a striking electric blue. And then she went quiet, her head falling forwards as she fell uncontious.



𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥. peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now