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Felicia was the girl at school everyone either wanted to date or be friends with. She was rich, tall and unbelievably pretty. Anyone passing by would mistake her as a model. Felicia strutted down the hall alongside her friend Liz Toomes and her friends who were talking about the latest gossip.

Felicia listened silently, not having an opinion on the matter which was the Avengers having a little toosh and breaking up. She fixed the satchel strapped around her torso as she walked so that it sat more comfortably across her chest.

Once they made it to their lockers Felicia slipped off her coat jacket revealing a tight red long-sleeved top that layered a white laced singlet as well as a pair of blue flared jeans and black ankle boots. She folded up the jacket, neatly placing it inside of her locker and placing any textbooks she would need for the rest of the day inside of her bag.

Just as she shut her locker door a hand slammed next to her head startling her. Felicia's eyes travelled from the person's hand up his arm to his face revealing none other than Flash Thompson. 

"Are you a door? 'Cause I would bang you," Liz and the others snickered to the side at the horrible pickup line. Deciding to play along she leaned in closer pressing her hands against his chest, rubbing them up and down in a teasing way.

"Oh?" She whispers, leaning in next to his ear bringing he hands up to his shoulders and breathing in as if to talk. Flash's breathing hitches as she slams her knee into his nether regions causing him to let out a muffled gasp as he clutches onto his crotch for dear life falling to his knees. 

Students watch as Felicia steps over his withering body, raking a hand through her blonde hair, heels clicking against the glossy school floor as Liz and the others follow her. Feeling a pair of eyes on her she turns her head to the left seeing a boy with ruffled up curly brown hair staring at her with admiration clear in his eyes. 

If Felicia could remember correctly his name was Peter Parker or Penis Parker as Flash so graciously calls him. He was cute, Felicia did not doubt that. He had that adorable, innocent geeky nerd vibe that she couldn't help but smile at. He wore a grey t-shirt with a terrible science joke printed in the thin material with a blue and green flannel on top. She sends him a small wink his way before continuing forward. 


Unlike a lot of students at her school, Felicia liked P.E class. Everyone sits along the bleachers as the teacher explains what the activities for that day were. First, everyone had to do laps around the gym for ten minutes straight, then they would do rope climbing to see whoever would touch the bell at the top.

Begrudgingly everyone began running around the gym, most people doing a half-assed jog for one lap and then walking the rest of the way. Felicia's friends were some of those people who don't put in any effort in P.E because they don't want to sweat, but not Felicia.

Felicia stayed at the front of the group the whole time, running non-stop at a fast pace without stopping to catch her breath. "Nice work Hardy." The coach calls as she makes her eighteenth lap. Her blonde ponytail swished from side to side as she ran past Peter and his friend.

"Hey," She said waving a hello before continuing onward. "Dude!" Ned whisper shouted shaking his friends arm repeatedly. Once the ten minutes was up everyone stood in front of the coach who has two thick ropes hanging down from the gymnasium roof.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" He asks holding a clipboard in his hands. Since nobody was volunteering a hand coach began picking at people two at a time to try and ring the bell at the top. The furthest anyone has gone so far is one third of the way before getting tired.

"Hardy, Parker. Your up." Felicia feels her friends nudge playfully as she stands up with Peter. They both stood in front of a rope waiting for the coach to speak. Both teens grab a hold of the rope, Peter decides to go the tactacile way and wraps the rope around his foot while Felicia begins pulling herself up.

Felicia can feel the muscles in her arms and core tensing as she pulls herself up, using the swinging momentum of her legs to push herself higher. Everybody cheers for her as she makes it closer to the bell with Peter not to far below her, catching up fast.

Even though coach didn't say it was a race, as soon as they both touched the rope Felicia couldn't help but rush to the top with Peter seeming to understand where she's coming from and following her lead.

Felicia is supprised that the boy was able to catch up to her so fast. But now that she thinks of it, around several months ago Peter had been coming to school with bruises littering his body, and he had grown a considerable amount of muscle then she remembers seeing him at the beginning of the year. 

Her thoughts get put on hold as she sees Peter climbing up faster then before, now ending up with him next to her. Felicia is very competitive, she never wants to lose and she never has. When Peter sends a sly smirk her way she feels a sudden rush of adrenaline course thorough her.

Quickly she holds her hands up higher on the rope and uses all her strength to pull herself up, practically leaping in mid air and smacking the bell causing a loud ringing to sound through the gym. She falls back down and swiftfuly grabing hold of the rope, sliding down a few feet. The friction burns her hand but it was so worth it seeing the boys shocked face when she jumped.

Peter follows her actions only a few moments later, the bell ringing out once again. Both teens slowly make their way down the rope, once they are close they both drop to the floor, both landing in a crouched position on the crash mat. When the girl sits back down her friends bombard her with comments of enthusiasm, all amazed at how 'cool' she was.

Once class ended and everyone got changed out of the sport uniform Peter caught up to Felicia as she walked down the school halls. "Hey, uh, you did really well in there." He stutters, holding a hand out for her to shake. She smiles accepting the gesture but wince when their hands collide. 

Peter gently holds onto her hand, flipping it over so that he could see her bloody, chaffed palm. "Ouch, are you alright? Do you want to go to the nurce's office?" He sks worriedly, looking over the cuts. "Yeah, sure."

They sat in silence as the nurse cleaned, dissinfected and bandaged up her hands. After saying a curt thank you they both stood out in the hall. "Thank you for taking me to the nurses Pete, you didn't have to." She thanks, the boy stutters out a, "No problem," in response. 

"I'll see you around then," The girl finally says before walking off to the cafeteria to meet up with her friends. Peter stays still, face flushed as he watches her retreeting form.



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