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As Felicia stepped into the school building all eyes were drawn to her. Leaning in towards each other to whisper as if they were wearing Harry Potter's invisible cloak and she wouldn't see them. Obviously, everyone had seen videos on youtube of the accident since no one in her generation watched the news anymore. Her cherry-red Dr Martens squeaked against the milky white tiles of the hallway as she made her way to her locker. Students buzzed past her holding all sorts of gadgets and gizmos for their class projects and assignments, focused on not bumping into any of the other dozens of teenagers making their way to class so as to not ruin their masterpieces. 

 When Felicia turned the corner her eyes immediately focused on the spot where her locker sat, her friends cuddled around each other in a mini circle. Felicia shook her head as she walked up to them, peeking her head over their shoulders quietly. "What are we looking at?" she piped up, turning her head to look at Jason who let out a yelp and jumped away in shock, swinging his fist directly at her face and punching her square in the nose. The others gasped in shock, hands covering their wide open mouths. "Oh my god- Felicia, I'm so sorry!" He fumbled as she held her left hand up to silence him as she held her nose with her other hand, squinting her eyes together in pain. "No biggy man, I love getting punched in the face at 8 in the morning." She said, laughing it off while the others give her concerned looks. "Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" Liz asked, resting her hand on Felicia's shoulder. "Nah, I'll be good. C'mon, let's go to class." Everyone nodded their heads slowly, unconvinced by her answer but all decided to let the topic go since she had already walked away.

Liz, Betty and a few other girls followed behind the blonde as she strutted down the hallway. The pain in her nose started to dissipate, yet there was still a slight ache that stayed. "Do you wanna help me hang up the homecoming banner in the cafeteria at lunch?" Liz asked Felicia, tucking a long, dark curl that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear. "Yeah, sure." She smiled, watching as the eyes of the brunette travelled past her. Felicia turned her head to see Peter Parker walking with his friend Ned, she locked eyes with the boy for a few seconds before turning back to her friend. "Great. I'll see you then." 


Felicia lay hunched over the desk, chin nestled in the crook of her elbow with a large pair of safety goggles wrapped around her face. Mr Hue's monotone voice had been drowned out by many students in the classroom, including Felicia who continued to draw small doodles of cats into her workbook. Once she had flicked on the final whiskers with her blue ballpoint pen she looked up to her partner. 

Alfred was an awkward, tall, skinny kid with rectangular-framed glasses. His smile showed a set of silver braces that wrapped around his teeth which used to hold a large overbite and crooked teeth. Acne covered his face, with small red and puffy papules and zits scattered across his cheeks. Although a lot of kids made fun of and laughed at him, Felicia thought he was rather cool. She hadn't talked to him much before, but now that they were chemistry partners she had learnt a lot about the boy in the past forty minutes. He knew an unusual amount of rock facts and wished to study either geology or archaeology at Harvard University which she didn't doubt he would get into since he seemed to be a genius. He also had three younger sisters and owned a pet parrot which Felicia thought was awesome, she had always wanted a pet bird although her mother was allergic.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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