Chapter 12- Mobei Jun attempts to court an Airplane

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Shang Qinghua jumps out of the portal and enters the familiar coldness of the northern realm. He shivers, reminding himself to not forget his cloak next time. He sees Mobei-Jun waiting for him.

"My king!" Shang Qinghua cheered, running to Mobei-Jun who simply glared down at him.

"Shang Qinghua," Mobei-Jun greets in response. Mobei-Jun recently talked with Luo Binghe about his courting methods and found out that humans don't like being beaten up. Luo Binghe told him to invite Shang Qinghua over and make him lunch.

"Thank you for inviting me my king, I am honored." Shang Qinghua smiled. Mobei-Jun barely hid a smile of his own.

"Let's go," Mobei-Jun said, and walked to the kitchen. There, he had everything needed to make Shang Qinghua lunch.

"Do you need me to cook for you my king?" Shang Qinghua asked.

"No," Mobei Jun answered, then started cooking himself. Shang Qinghua was left with his mouth hanging open. Why was his king making food for him? He was just a servant to his king after all.

"Are you sure?" Shang Qinghua asked once again. Mobei-Jun just nodded and started to make lunch. Now, the only cooking experience Mobei-Jun has ever had was getting lessons from Luo Binghe.

Since he was a prince when he was younger, he never needed to cook for himself. So he hopes he doesn't accidentally poison the food. By the time he was done cooking, the food looked edible.

It was congee, Luo Binghe told him that Shen Qingqiu liked congee. Mobei Jun figured since Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua were so close that Shang Qinghua liked congee too.

He placed the bowl on congee in front of Shang Qinghua. Shang Qinghua looked up at him as if he was confused.

"Eat," Mobei Jun commanded. Shang Qinghua squeaked before he started eating the congee. The congee didn't taste bad at all, Shang Qinghua wonders where his king got his cooking skills! "Is it good?" Mobei Jun questions.

"Yes, it tastes excellent my king!" Shang Qinghua beams. Mobei Jun nods once, and Shang Qinghua finishes the congee.

"I didn't know you were such a good cook my king," Shang Qinghua complimented.

"I have been taking lessons so I can cook for you." Mobei Jun says. Shang Qinghua's eyes sparkle.

'I must have misheard that, he wouldn't go out of his way to learn how to cook for me. I bet he is courting someone and is practicing his cooking skills on me.' Shang Qinghua thought. He decided to ignore the fact that cooking isn't a demon courting tradition.

"The lessons seem to have paid off. I'm sure people will appreciate them." Shang Qinghua said.

"Why would I share my skills with others if I learned them for you?" Mobei Jun questioned. Shang Qinghua is stupid sometimes so maybe he didn't understand Mobei Jun's words.

"Surely you didn't learn them just for me my king. I thought that you were trying to practice on me for the one you are courting." Shang Qinghua reasoned.

Mobei Jun couldn't hide his face. It was a mixture of 'are you this fucking oblivious?' and disappointment that his courting methods were going un noticed by his human. Seeing Mobei Jun's face, Shang Qinghua panicked.

"Ah, sorry my king! I really didn't mean to upset you I swear! I'm sorry if I overstepped any boundaries, the one your courting is none of my business." Shang Qinghua rambled, waving his hands around. Mobei Jun sighed.

"Let's walk," Mobei Jun deadpanned, standing up and walking out of the kitchen. Shang Qinghua followed after him. Mobei Jun noticed he wasn't wearing a cloak, his human really was forgetful at times.

"You're not wearing a cloak." Mobei Jun pointed out, now noticing Shang Qinghua was also shivering.

"Ah, my king it's fine. I'm not even that-," Shang Qinghua rambled, but was interrupted when Mobei Jun draped his own coat over Shang Qinghua's shoulders.

"There," Mobei Jun said, and continued walking. Shang Qinghua blushes slightly and followed after Mobei Jun as the pair walked around the palace.

"How is work on your peak?" Mobei Jun asked. Luo Binghe told him that talking is a good thing to do on dates. And not insulting them while talking.

"Ah, it's fine. We have to repair Cucumber bro- I mean peak lord Shen's roof and the damages caused by the fierce corpses." Shang Qinghua answered.

"Fierce corpses?" Mobei Jun repeats in a confused tone.

"Ah, new creatures from another dimension. Two other realms merged with our realm so things might start changing a bit." Shang Qinghua explained.

"Elaborate please," Mobei Jun requested.

"Well, there are now ghosts and fierce corpses. The fierce corpses are kind of like zombies-," Shang Qinghua began.

"What are zombies?"

"Corpses that walk and eat people."

"I see,"

"Anyways, I met some people from their realm. Xie Lian who is a god, Hua Cheng who is a ghost king-," Shang Qinghua continued.

"A ghost king? Is he a threat to the demon realm?" Mobei Jun interupted.

"Depends, you would have to provoke him. As I was saying, there is Lan Wangji who is the second young master to Gusu, and Wei Wuxian the Yiling Patriarch." Shang Qinghua finished.

"Is a Yiling patriarch a fierce corpse? Or a beast?" Mobei Jun asked, Shang Qinghua almost laughed but shook his head.

"No, he plays the flute to control fierce corpses. He's a demonic cultivator." Shang Qinghua explained. Mobei Jun didn't say anything for a second, thinking about the information he was just given.

"Does this mean he can control demons too?" Mobei Jun questioned. Shang Qinghua was about to answer 'no, of course not!', but when he thought about it it doesn't seem impossible.

"I...I don't know," Shang Qinghua murmured.

"I see, thank you for the information." Mobei Jun thanked. Shang Qinghua looked up as if he was shocked.

"No problem," Shang Qinghua said. Mobei Jun flashed a small smile at Shang Qinghua, who blushed and quickly looked away.

A/n- sorry for another short chapter, next chapter will take a bit to be out since it's gonna be a bit longer (2000-3000 words) and i am very busy this week since i got a bunch of things dumped on me, ill try to get the new chapter out in a week. it also might be my favorite chapter since it was the first idea I had for this fanfic. Thank you for comments and votes they keep me writing :D

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