Chapter 22- Sharing is caring

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'Now, onto the main issue... how do we escape alive?' Shen Qiao asked.

Everyone went silent.

'...luck?' Wei Wuxian answered.

'Xie-Xiong doesn't have luck,' Shen Qingqiu reminded.

'But we do!' Wen Kexing cheered.

'...but do we?' Shen Qingqiu questioned. 'I mean all of us are very unlucky from what everyone has told me. Our very predicament right now is unlucky.'

'What do you mean Shen-Xiong?' Wei Wuxian asked, although he clearly knew the answer.

'I can never get a break, Everyone Wen Kexing cares about is dead except his A-Xu, everyone betrays Shen Qiao, Wei Wuxian can never stop falling and dying, and Xie Lian is...we all know the answer to that. It will take a lot more than luck to get out of here.' Shen Qingqiu explained.

''re very smart Shen-Xiong.' Wen Kexing complimented.

'Thanks, I know.' Shen Qingqiu smiled, though no one could see it.

'Wait, Wen-Xiong how are you alive if you are supposed to be on a mountain right now?' Shen Qiao asks.

'Great question!' Wei Wuxian exclaimed.

'...' everyone waited for an answer.

'I have no idea!' Wen Kexing laughed. Shen Qingqiu mentally face palmed.

"...anyways, what's the plan?" Xie Lian asks.

'How did you get in here? I have been in prison before and it might be a maze. We could try to follow the way you came in to go out?' Shen Qingqiu suggests.

"No I was crying and cussing Bai Wuxian and not really paying attention." Xie Lian answers. "Sorry."

'That's fine, there is always another way.' Shen Qingqiu assures.

'Are we gonna skip over the fact that Shen-Xiong went to prison-?' Wen Kexing asks.

'Yes we are, we also have to find our bodies.' Shen Qingqiu points out.

'Oh ya! If I am stuck in Xie-Xiong's body with everyone forever it will be awkward when Lan Zhan gives me 'every day means every day' if you get what I mean.' Wei Wuxian sighs.

'I wish I didn't know what you mean but I do, I officially hate you both.' Shen Qingqiu sighs.

'Hey! It's not the worse thing we've done! There was this one time with bichen-,'

'His sword?!'

'Don't shame me!'

'We are ALL shaming you Wei-Xiong,' Wen Kexing sighs.

'So rude!' Wei Wuxian whines.

"Okay, how about we follow signs of there are any? I don't have spiritual power since I have the shackles and none of you can lend me any. We have to be extra careful." Xie Lian explains.

'I can't imagine living with my spiritual power taken away for 800 years, how did you even make money?' Shen Qingqiu speaks.

"I did busking, mainly sword swallowing." Xie Lian answers.

'How crude Xie-Xiong! I thought your cultivation required chastity!' Wei Wuxian gasped in a teasing way.

"You misunderstood!" Xie Lian stammers. Wei Wuxian laughs.

'Let's go!' Wen Kexing cheers.

'Wait, is this really a good idea? What if we just get into more danger?' Shen Qiao points out.

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