Chapter 2

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The next day, Wednesday, 10:56am.

Wilbur woke up, with a slight headache and on the floor. His chair laying and the wine bottle laying on the ground aswell. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to stand up and placing his hand on his forehead.
"Ugh... wha.. what- what happened?" he groaned, as he looked around trying to figure out on what the hell happened.
"Was- was that from yesterday? What did i.. do?" Will looked up his PC.

"Oh.. yea, right... i was streaming.. hope i didn't do some weird shit." he tried to stand up, but his legs were a bit numb. So he sat down on the floor again and firstly set his chair up again, so he could sit down. The bottle can wait. He turned his PC on amd waited.
"... wonder what i did this time.. i'm hungry.. come on Will. Walking ain't that hard." he said as he tried to stand up again. The boy did manage to stand up with a bit of the help of his wall.

After arriving in the kitchen and making himself some breakfast.
"Ugh... my head .." he groaned. "Atleast it's not as bad as that one time.. i guess.." he didn't bother watching any Youtube, so he was just listening to some chill and quiet music for the time being. He was stressing out a bit, but it's fine. It's fine. Really it's fine-
"My tea! ... bloody hell.. now i've spilled my- .. whatever. I'll clean it up in just a second." Will finished his meal, placed in the sink and cleaned the little mess. He didn't have that much energy, so he was slowly cleaning it, before going back to his room.

The boy didn't know why, but something inside him made him feel... scared.
"Calm down Will. It's probably nothing- there is nothing to be scared about. Yea. You're alright." he repeated the last sentence a few times as he opened his twitch, to see what he was doing. He looked at the while thing, like always, what caught him off guard a bit was towards the end.
"Wait- Techno? Did i-... i.."
"And now Phil?? .. great.. good job. Now i know why i felt like that-"

Then a ping sound came, with a message on the bottom right.

'Hey Wilbur! So, about yesterday- i'm not sure if you remember, but that's why i'm texting you again. ... .

The message was cut off, indicating that it was a long one. His heart picked up the pace, not knowing what the rest of the message might be. Hesitanting for several minutes, before clicking on it. Discord opened up with Technoblade's full message.

Hey Wilbur! So, about yesterday- i'm not sure if you remember, but that's why i'm texting you again. You said to me, even if you were drunk, that you would come to our call. I don't know what happened to you, but we want to slove the issue you may have. You can tell us Will, please. We will talk more when we call you, please pick up.'

"Issue? What issue? There is no issue! I'm completely fine! Look at me!" he talked to himself. "I'm just enjoying my alone and drunk time here! What is there to talk about?!" Will kept on talking to himself, not realizing that his breathing quickened.

"Wai- Breath- ing.. huff.. excer- ." he quickly shuffled around to find his phone. He quickly needed to do his breathing exercise, before he passes out.

Mid exercise a call came from Techno.
He did join, but was on mute.

'I just need to finish this!' He thought to himself.

"Hello." Techno's voice came through. "Will? You are muted."

Then another voice came. "You okey mate? You there?" Phil asked.

I just need to finish this hold on!
He tried to typ in that he needs just a moment, but it came out a bit messy.

"Jst a mment!"

The two boys looked at the text and said okey. It took Will awhile before he could properly unmute again.

"Hey Phil! Hey Techno! How- How's going?" he tried to play it off cool.

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