Chapter 5

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12pm. Midnight, Saturday.

'Well... i'm a bit better now and not really tired.' he looked around his apartment. 'Might aswell clean up.'
He stood up and started cleaning, slow, but still doing it.
Will took his clothes and putting them into the washingmachine, he grabbed the towels and the bucket and started cleaning them. The rush of the sink water was loud, atleast in his ears. Maybe it was so loud, because everything else was so quite. It was midnight afterall.

After finishing cleaning that, he hid these things, looked for other clothes he had to put in the washingmachine, plus the bedsheet and stuff.
'Okey so.. what else can go into the washingmachine. This? ..  ew.. yea this can go. This too, this- mh .. nah this seems fine.'


'Okey, i think these are all the clothes. .. Actually not that much. Now the bedsheet and whatever. ...
Hngg! Come on! Get off-' "AH! Woah-"
He yelped as he almost fell.
'Damn... ugh.. i seriously shouldn't have layed on my bed like this. Do i even have another bedsheet? .. whatever.'


'Midnight cleaning... seems a bit.. nicer.'
After he put everything was in the washingmachine he closed it, but didn't start it.
'Wouldn't want to get any complaints.'
Will walked back to his room, took some new clothes from his closest and layed them in the bathroom near the bathtub.

'Wasn't my room a mess from... last time?' he walked back to his room and indeed, it was a mess. Remembering what he did, sighing and picking everything up.
"That there... this over here.. that- uh.. there." he mumbled to himself.
'I really made a mess...'


Papers, blankets, pillows and what else was near him was laying everywhere. On the ground, some still being thrown or pushed around.

"I wish i had a life like that!"
"I bet it's so much fun!"
"I wish i had friends like that!"
"Must be so fucking nice!"

. . .


Will keeps in shouting and walking around his room, after returning from the kitchen and the living room.


Knock Knock.


Shivers ran down his spine, as he gave a shaky exhale. He looked around, staying quite.
'Noone knocked Will, it's okey.' he mouthed. 'It's just a memory.'
He continued cleaning his room and after nothing was on the ground anymore, he continued to look at the other rooms. The kitchen seemed to be fine and so did the living room. Remembering that he only walked around and shouted here. Sighing in relieve that there was no need to clean up, except for dust, but the dust doesn't matter to him.

He stood still for a moment and facepalmed.

"Oh my god-! For fucks sake!" he said, sighing he went back to the bathroom and took his jacket out.
"Dumb, stupid, me." he took out his belongings out of the pockets.
Like his wallet, jo-jo and what not, he shoved his jacket back inside the washingmachine. Wanting to slam it shut, but didn't.

He kneeled on the floor, and just staring down at the floor.
Everything was dark, there was no light shining. He cleaned his apartment in darkness, but eyes adjust to the darkness, so it was fine.
It was so quite, just him, his apartment, the darkness and silence.
All that cleaning took a bit, it's almost one in the morning.

Will's mindset is spiralling down right. Every self-destructive thought just coming out of nowhere. It happens alot.
'What am i even doing with my life. All i do is so pointless. What's the point in anything.' he looked at his hands.
'Who even am i. Why am i like this. Is this even me. What am i even doing.'

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